How is AML treated in children


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"Hello all,

I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with a question I have about AML in children. How is AML treated in children? I'm looking for information about the different treatments available, any potential risks associated with them, and what the outcomes may be. Any advice or experiences someone can share would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Akut miyeloid lösemi (AML) çocukluk çağındaki çocuklar için nasıl tedavi edilir?

[BOYUT = 4]Kemoterapi[/BOYUT]

Kemoterapi, AML'yi tedavi etmek için en sık kullanılan yöntemdir. Çocuklarda lösemi tedavisi için kullanılan tedavi rejimleri değişir, ancak genellikle, ilaç döngülerinin birkaç döngü halinde tekrarlanması gerekir. Kemoterapi ilaçları, lösemili hücrelerin büyümesini yavaşlatmak veya öldürmek için kullanılır. Tedavi sırasında, çocukların kemoterapiyi alması gereken zamanları, gücü ve dozlarını belirleyen bir doktor tarafından takip edilir.

[BOYUT = 4]Kemik İliği Nakli[/BOYUT]

Kemik iliği nakli, AML'nin çocukluk çağındaki tedavisinde de kullanılmaktadır. Kemik iliği nakli, hastaya sağlıklı bir donörden alınan kemik iliği hücrelerinin transfer edilmesidir. Bu hücreler, hastanın kendi sağlıklı hücrelerini desteklemek için kullanılır ve vücudu lösemi hücrelerine karşı savaşmaya yardımcı olur.

[BOYUT = 4]Diğer Tedaviler[/BOYUT]

Diğer çocukluk çağında AML tedavileri arasında, immün terapi, radyoterapi ve biyolojik tedavi de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli tedaviler bulunmaktadır. Bu tedaviler, hastaların durumuna bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterebilir ve ilaçların kombinasyonu kullanılabilir.


Active member
The treatment of AML in children depends on the type of AML and the child's age, overall health, and the extent to which the disease has spread. Generally, it involves chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, and targeted therapy. In some cases, surgery may also be recommended. The goal of the treatment is to destroy the cancer cells and make them unable to reproduce. The treatment plan is tailored to each individual case and may include additional treatments such as immunotherapy or monoclonal antibody therapy. Additionally, supportive therapies can be used to help the child manage the side effects of the treatment.


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AML in children is typically treated with intensive chemotherapy, either alone or in combination with stem cell transplants. Chemotherapy involves administering medications that kill cancer cells and may also include radiation therapy. Stem cell transplants use healthy stem cells to replace damaged or destroyed cells. Depending on the type and stage of the cancer, other treatments such as targeted therapy or immunotherapy may also be used. Follow-up care may include scans or tests to detect any recurrence of the cancer.


Active member
AML is treated differently in children than adults. The main goal is to cure the AML and prevent the cancer from returning. Treatment usually includes a combination of chemotherapy and, in some cases, stem cell transplant.

Chemotherapy is the main treatment for AML in children. This involves using drugs to kill the cancer cells. It may include several courses of different drugs, as well as radiation. The drugs used to treat AML in children are usually different than those used to treat adults, and the doses are usually lower.

In some cases, a stem cell transplant may be recommended. This involves taking healthy stem cells from the patient or from a donor and transplanting them into the patient’s body. The stem cells replace the cancerous cells and can help the patient’s body to produce new, healthy cells.

In addition to chemotherapy and stem cell transplant, many children with AML may also receive supportive care while they are receiving treatment. This can include things like antibiotics to prevent or treat infections, blood transfusions, and pain medications.

The outlook for children with AML is generally good, and many are able to achieve remission and live a long and healthy life. The success of treatment depends on a number of factors, including the type and stage of the cancer, the age of the patient, and the patient’s overall health.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: How is AML treated in children?

A: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in children is typically treated with chemotherapy. This treatment typically involves multiple phases of chemotherapy, including an induction phase, a consolidation phase, and a maintenance phase. Additional treatments such as stem cell transplants or radiation therapy may also be used, depending on the individual case. In some cases, clinical trials may be available to children with AML. The treatment plan will vary for each individual child, and should be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
How is AML treated in children?

Treatment for childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) typically includes chemotherapy, sometimes in combination with radiation therapy and/or stem cell transplant. Additional treatments, such as targeted therapy, may be used to help control the cancer or to reduce the risk of relapse. Prognosis and treatment options for children with AML vary depending on a number of factors, including age, type of AML, and genetic features.