How I first knew I had pancreatic cancer


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"Hi, I'm new here and I'm hoping to get some advice on how I first knew I had pancreatic cancer. I'm really scared and confused, and I'm not sure what to do. I remember feeling really sick and tired a few months ago, but I had no idea it could be something so serious. Can anyone here relate to my experience and offer some advice? Any help would be much appreciated.


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Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

I was first alerted to the possibility of pancreatic cancer when I started experiencing abdominal pain and weight loss. I had been having consistent abdominal pain for a few days, but I had attributed it to indigestion or food poisoning. The pain got worse and I started to experience a significant amount of weight loss. This was so severe that I had to take time off work, as I felt too weak to go in and do my job. I had also been experiencing jaundice and nausea, and my stool had turned a yellowish-green color.

My doctor took a few tests and referred me to a specialist. After a series of scans and tests, the specialist confirmed that I had pancreatic cancer. It was a shock, but I was relieved that we had caught it early and that I could start treatment.

Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

My doctor recommended that I undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy to try to reduce the size of the tumor. These treatments were very effective, and I was able to reduce the size of the tumor significantly. I also underwent surgery to remove the tumor. This was a long and difficult process, but I am glad that I was able to get through it.

I am now in remission and I am doing well. I am so thankful that I was able to catch the cancer early and that I was able to get the treatment I needed. I still have regular check-ups with my doctor, and I am hopeful that I will remain cancer-free for many years to come.


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I first knew I had pancreatic cancer when I started to experience abdominal pain. I had an ultrasound and CT scan which showed a tumour in my pancreas. My doctor then referred me to a specialist for further investigation and tests. After a biopsy and other tests, my doctor confirmed the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. It was a shock and very stressful, but I am glad I caught it early and am now receiving treatment.


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I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early 2020. At first, I noticed that I had lost a lot of weight without trying, and I had frequent indigestion and abdominal pain. I also had an increased need to urinate and was more tired than usual. I went to the doctor for a physical and was referred to a specialist who confirmed my diagnosis through a battery of tests. I now understand better the importance of early detection and how it can help to improve the chances of survival.


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"I have just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I'm feeling so overwhelmed. How did you all first know you had it?"

I was first made aware of my pancreatic cancer diagnosis while I was undergoing tests for an unrelated issue. I had been experiencing a few unusual symptoms that my doctor thought could be indicative of the disease, so they decided to run some more tests. When the results came back, they confirmed that I had pancreatic cancer. It was an incredibly difficult moment, and I remember feeling so overwhelmed at the news. I found comfort in talking to other people who had been in my position, and hearing their stories of living with the disease helped me to come to terms with my diagnosis.


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I was having abdominal pain and nausea and my doctor ran some tests.

I visited my doctor after experiencing recurring abdominal pain and nausea. After a physical examination and some laboratory tests, my doctor diagnosed me with pancreatic cancer. I was in shock, as I had never expected such a diagnosis. I was scared and confused, and I had no idea how to proceed.