How far back can a liver test show alcohol


Active member
I'm hoping someone can help me with this question: How far back can a liver test show alcohol? I'm trying to understand what a liver test can tell us about a person's past alcohol consumption. Does it just tell us what happened in the last few days or weeks, or can it go further back in time? Any information about this would be really helpful.


Staff member
Liver tests can be used to detect the presence of alcohol in the body, and in some cases can show alcohol levels up to 80 hours prior. However, this is not a definitive diagnosis, as the liver test can only provide an indication of alcohol present in the body. It cannot determine the amount of alcohol consumed or if the person has been drinking heavily over a long period of time.

What Does a Liver Test Show?

A liver test can help to diagnose liver damage, which can be caused by heavy alcohol consumption. It looks for markers in the blood that can indicate whether the liver is healthy or not. These markers can be used to identify alcohol-related liver damage, such as cirrhosis or fatty liver disease.

How Far Back Can a Liver Test Show Alcohol?

A liver test can detect alcohol up to 80 hours prior. This is not a definitive diagnosis, as the liver test can only provide an indication of alcohol present in the body. It cannot determine the amount of alcohol consumed or if the person has been drinking heavily over a long period of time.

Factors That Affect How Far Back a Liver Test Can Show Alcohol

The amount of alcohol in the body and how recently it has been consumed will affect how far back a liver test can detect it. Factors such as the person's metabolism, body weight, and gender can also affect the results. A liver test is not a reliable indicator of alcohol use over a long period of time and cannot be used to determine if someone has been drinking heavily.


A liver test can be used to detect the presence of alcohol in the body, and in some cases can show alcohol levels up to 80 hours prior. However, this is not a definitive diagnosis, as the liver test can only provide an indication of alcohol present in the body. It cannot determine the amount of alcohol consumed or if the person has been drinking heavily over a long period of time. Factors such as the person's metabolism, body weight, and gender can also affect the results.


Active member
Liver tests can detect alcohol in the system for up to 80 hours after consumption. However, this time frame can be affected by various factors such as the amount of alcohol consumed and the speed of the individual's metabolism. In some cases, traces of alcohol can be found in the liver for up to two weeks after consumption. For more precise results, a blood test may be required.


Active member
A liver test can indicate alcohol use up to six weeks prior, as alcohol is detectable in the liver for up to six weeks after consumption. However, other factors such as the frequency of consumption, health of the liver, and amount of alcohol consumed can influence the length of time alcohol is detectable. It is worth noting that other tests such as blood tests can detect alcohol up to 24 hours after consumption.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Answer: Liver tests can detect alcohol use within the past 90 days. The liver enzyme tests that are commonly used to detect alcohol use are ALT, AST, GGT, and MCV. These tests measure the activity of enzymes in the liver that can be elevated by alcohol use. Other tests that can help detect alcohol use include blood tests that measure the amount of alcohol in the blood, urine tests that measure the amount of alcohol metabolites in the urine, and breath tests that measure the amount of alcohol in the breath.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"How far back can a liver test show alcohol?"

A liver test can show alcohol consumption from up to six months prior. However, this timeline can vary depending on the individual's health status, drinking habits, and other factors.