How does suffocation feel


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My name is [Name] and I'm looking for some help and advice. I'm curious to know what it feels like to be suffocated. Has anyone experienced this, or know someone who has? What were the sensations like? What happened afterwards? I'd really appreciate any advice or insight on this topic.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Suffocation is a very frightening and serious experience. It can be caused by a number of factors, including being unable to breathe due to a blocked airway, a lack of oxygen, or exposure to toxic fumes. The sensation of suffocation can vary depending on the cause, but it is generally described as a feeling of intense pressure or a tightening of the chest or throat. It can also be accompanied by feelings of panic, confusion, and even anxiety.

Physical Symptoms of Suffocation

The physical symptoms of suffocation can vary depending on the underlying cause. They may include:

• Feeling short of breath or unable to catch a breath

• Feeling of tightness in the chest or throat

• Feeling of panic or anxiety

• Lightheadedness or dizziness

• Flushed skin

• Difficulty speaking or swallowing

• Confusion

• Unconsciousness

Psychological Effects of Suffocation

The psychological effects of suffocation can be severe and long-lasting. People who have experienced suffocation may experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and difficulty concentrating. They may also experience anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.

Preventing Suffocation

The best way to prevent suffocation is to be aware of potential hazards in the home or workplace. Make sure to keep airways free of obstructions and keep flammable materials away from sources of ignition. If working with toxic chemicals, always wear appropriate safety equipment and make sure to ventilate the area properly. Additionally, if you or someone you know is experiencing difficulty breathing, seek medical attention right away.


Active member
Suffocation is a terrifying experience. It can cause feelings of panic, fear, and a lack of control. It can also cause physical pain and discomfort in the chest as well as difficulty breathing. Depending on the extent and duration, it can lead to lightheadedness, dizziness, confusion, and a general feeling of weakness. It can also cause nausea and even fainting due to a lack of oxygen. Overall, it is a very unpleasant feeling and should be avoided at all costs.


Active member
Question: How does it feel to be deprived of oxygen?

Depriving oneself of oxygen can be an uncomfortable and even dangerous experience. The body is not designed to be deprived of oxygen for extended periods of time and will quickly respond to the lack of it. To begin with, one may feel disoriented or dizzy, and then experience shortness of breath, a tingling sensation in the limbs, and a feeling of anxiety. As oxygen deprivation continues, the person may feel confused and lightheaded, eventually leading to loss of consciousness and even death. It is important to understand that oxygen deprivation can be a serious health hazard and should be avoided.


Active member
Query: How does it feel to be suffocated?

Being suffocated is a disorienting and frightening experience. It can cause a sense of helplessness and panic as the brain struggles to get enough oxygen, leading to feelings of confusion and dizziness. The sensation of being unable to take a full breath can be deeply unsettling and can lead to a fear of not being able to breathe.