How does stillbirth happen during delivery


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I'm looking for help understanding how stillbirth happens during delivery. I'm expecting soon and am trying to educate myself about potential risks. Can anyone offer insight on what can cause stillbirth during delivery, and what I can do to reduce the risk? I'd really appreciate any advice or resources people can provide.


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Stillbirth is a tragedy that occurs when a baby dies during labor or delivery before it is born. Stillbirth can happen in any pregnancy, with no warning signs or symptoms. Delivery is a complex process involving the baby, the placenta, and the mother’s uterus, and so there are several ways that a stillbirth can occur.

Causes of Stillbirth During Delivery

In most cases, the cause of a stillbirth during delivery is not known. However, there are some known causes that can increase the risk of stillbirth. These include:

Placental Problems: Placental problems are the leading cause of stillbirth. The placenta is a crucial organ that grows during pregnancy and provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby. If the placenta does not properly attach to the uterus or is not functioning properly, it can cause a decrease in oxygen and nutrients to the baby, leading to a stillbirth.

Uterine Rupture: Uterine rupture is a rare, but serious, complication of labor and delivery that can lead to a stillbirth. This occurs when the uterus tears, usually due to a previous C-section or other surgery to the uterus. Uterine rupture can cause severe bleeding and decrease the baby’s oxygen supply, leading to stillbirth.

Umbilical Cord Problems: The umbilical cord is the lifeline between the baby and the placenta. If the cord is too short, too long, or tangled, it can cause a disruption in the baby’s oxygen supply, leading to stillbirth.

Infection: Infection is another potential cause of stillbirth. Infections, such as bacterial infections, can be passed from the mother to the baby during labor and delivery and can cause a stillbirth.

Preventing Stillbirth During Delivery

There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of stillbirth during delivery.

Regular Prenatal Care: Regular and thorough prenatal care is the most important step in preventing stillbirth. During prenatal care, the doctor can detect potential risks or complications and take steps to prevent them.

Monitoring During Labor and Delivery: Monitoring the baby’s heart rate during labor and delivery can help to detect signs of distress in the baby that could lead to stillbirth.

Cesarean Delivery: In some cases, a Cesarean delivery may be necessary to prevent stillbirth. A Cesarean delivery is a surgery to deliver the baby through the abdomen instead of through the vagina.

Avoiding Certain Medications: Some medications, such as certain pain medications, can increase the risk of stillbirth. It is important to speak to your doctor about any medications you are taking during pregnancy and delivery.


Stillbirth during delivery is a tragedy that can have a devastating impact on a family. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of stillbirth, such as regular prenatal care, monitoring during labor and delivery, and avoiding certain medications. If you have any concerns about your pregnancy or the delivery process, talk to your doctor.


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Stillbirth can occur during delivery if the baby has died in the womb, usually at or after the 20th week of pregnancy. During delivery, the baby's heart rate is monitored and if it is not detected, the baby is not delivered. If the baby's heart rate has stopped, delivery can still occur but the baby will be stillborn. The cause of stillbirth is often unknown, but can be related to medical conditions in the mother or baby, such as infection, umbilical cord complications, placental issues, or birth defects.


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Stillbirth is a tragedy that occurs when a baby dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Delivery, whether it is a planned C-section or vaginal birth, is the most common time for a stillbirth to occur.

Stillbirths can happen for a variety of reasons, including an infection, placental abruption, umbilical cord complications, or a chromosomal abnormality.

A placental abruption is a medical emergency that occurs when the placenta separates from the uterus before delivery. This can lead to a decrease in oxygen and nutrients to the baby. It can also cause heavy bleeding for the mother.

Umbilical cord complications can lead to a stillbirth as well. These issues can include a cord that is wrapped around the baby’s neck or a cord that is too short. If the cord is too short, it can become compressed and restrict the baby’s oxygen supply.

Chromosomal abnormalities can also cause stillbirths. These can include conditions like Down syndrome, which can lead to birth defects or other medical problems.

During delivery, the doctor or midwife will be continually monitoring the baby’s heart rate and the mother’s contractions. If the baby’s heart rate is too slow, or if the mother’s contractions are too strong, the doctor may decide to perform an emergency C-section. This could be done if the doctor believes that the baby’s life is at risk.

Stillbirths can be a devastating event, and it’s important to remember that it is not usually the mother’s fault. Ultimately, it is important to speak with a doctor to understand the potential risks and complications during delivery.


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The cause of stillbirth during delivery is not always identified, however there are several potential causes. These include preterm labor, placental abruption, umbilical cord issues such as knots or compression, fetal distress, infections, or medical problems of the mother. It is important to note that often the cause of stillbirth is never determined. When a stillbirth occurs during delivery, it is important to take the time to understand why it happened and to seek out the support of family and friends for comfort and healing.


Active member
Stillbirth during delivery can occur for a variety of reasons, including placental abruption, umbilical cord issues, preterm labor, and infections. Rarely, it can also be due to a genetic disorder, trauma, or maternal health complications. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if signs of stillbirth occur during delivery.