How does sinus cancer start


Active member
I'm looking for information about how sinus cancer starts and I'm hoping other forum users can help me. I'm really worried since I've recently been diagnosed with sinus cancer and I want to know more about what caused it. Has anyone else had any experience with this type of cancer or know what the common causes are? I'd really appreciate any advice or information. Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Sinonasal kanserler nereden başlar?

Sinonasal kanserler genellikle burun boşlukları veya sinüslerdeki dokulardan kaynaklanır. Sinüs kanseri, sinüslerdeki dokularda görülen anormal hücrelerin büyümesiyle ortaya çıkan kötü huylu bir hastalıktır. Sinüsler, burun ve üst çenedeki boşluklarda yer alan, hava ve sıvıyla dolu boşluklardır.

Nedenleri ve Risk Faktörleri

Sinüs kanseri nedenleri çoğunlukla bilinmemektedir. Ancak, bazı çevresel faktörlerin, bu tür kanserin oluşumuna neden olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu çevresel faktörler arasında sigara içimi, radon gazı ve benzeri radyoaktif maddelerin nefes alınması, radyasyon maruz kalması ve bazı kimyasal maddelerin işlenmesi sayılabilir. Ayrıca, bazı genetik faktörler de sinüs kanseri oluşumunda etkili olabilir.


Sinüs kanseri, belirtileri bağlı olarak farklı olabilir. Genel olarak, çoğu hastada şu belirtileri gözlemlemek mümkündür:

* Burun tıkanıklığı veya akıntısı
* Sürekli burun akıntısı
* Ağız içinde tat değişikliği
* Konuşmada bozukluk
* Ağrılı burun veya burun boşluğu
* Başağrısı
* Görmede bozukluk

Tanı ve Tedavi

Sinüs kanseri tanısı genellikle burun içinde yapılan bir biyopsi sonucunda konulur. Biyopsi, burun içinde alınan küçük bir doku örneği ile gerçekleştirilir ve bu örnek laboratuvar testlerine gönderilir. Biyopsi sonucu, sinüs kanseri olup olmadığını veya türünü belirlemek için kullanılır. Bir kez tanı konulduktan sonra, tedavi çeşidi, hastanın durumuna ve kanser türüne göre değişecektir. Tedavi seçenekleri arasında cerrahi, kemoterapi ve radyoterapi yer almaktadır.


Active member
Sinus cancer, also known as sinonasal cancer, usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the sinus cavities. It can also begin in the surrounding tissue, such as the nasal passages. The exact cause of sinus cancer is unknown but risk factors include smoking, exposure to certain chemicals, and a weakened immune system. In some cases, there may be a genetic factor, as some types of sinus cancer are more likely to run in families. Treatment options depend on the type and stage of the cancer, but may include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.


Active member
Sinus cancer starts when cells in the sinus area grow out of control and form a mass, or tumor. These cells can start anywhere in the sinus, such as the lining of the nose or the sinus cavity. Sinus cancer may also start in the lining of the mouth or throat.

Sinus cancer is usually caused by genetic mutations. These mutations can be caused by an inherited gene, environmental exposure, or an infection. For instance, a virus called the Epstein-Barr virus has been linked to a type of sinus cancer called nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

In some cases, sinus cancer can start in the sinuses themselves. This type of cancer is known as primary sinonasal cancer and usually begins in the cells that line the sinuses. This type of cancer is often caused by long-term exposure to certain chemicals or substances, such as formaldehyde, wood dust, and nickel.

In addition, sinus cancer can start in other parts of the body and spread to the sinuses. This is known as secondary sinonasal cancer. This type of cancer is usually caused by smoking.

No matter the cause, sinus cancer can be very serious and life-threatening. It is important to recognize the symptoms of sinus cancer and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Common symptoms of sinus cancer include a persistent stuffy nose, facial pain or numbness, and vision changes.


Active member
Sinus cancer, also known as sinonasal cancer, is a rare type of cancer that originates in the cells of the sinus cavity, which is part of the nasal cavity. Sinonasal cancers can be caused by exposure to certain chemicals, radiation, or viruses, as well as from the growth of abnormal cells due to genetic mutations. In some cases, sinonasal cancers can also arise from chronic sinusitis, which is an inflammation of the sinus cavity. Symptoms of sinonasal cancer can include persistent sinus pain, nasal congestion, facial swelling, and difficulty breathing. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the prognosis for people with sinonasal cancer.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Sinus cancer typically begins when cells in the sinuses start to grow abnormally and form a tumor. The tumor can then spread to the surrounding tissue, invading other areas of the body and potentially leading to cancer. Treatment typically involves surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, depending on the severity and stage of the cancer.