How does classification occur


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"Hello everyone, I'm looking for advice about how to understand and use classification in my work. Can anyone explain how classification works and what it involves? Are there any resources I can use to learn more about it? I'd really appreciate any help you can provide.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Classification is the process of grouping items or concepts into categories. It usually involves placing different items into categories based on shared characteristics or traits. Classification can be done in a variety of ways, such as by assigning numerical values to each item or concept, or by creating a hierarchy of categories. Classification is often used to organize information and make it easier to understand or analyze.

Classification by Assigning Numerical Values

One way to classify items is by assigning numerical values to each item or concept. This type of classification is often used in surveys and studies, where participants are asked to rate or rank items on a numerical scale. For example, a survey might ask participants to rank a list of activities from "1" (not at all enjoyable) to "10" (very enjoyable). This type of classification allows researchers to quickly and easily compare and analyze the responses.

Classification by Hierarchy

Another way to classify items is by creating a hierarchy of categories. Hierarchical classification involves creating multiple layers of categories, with each layer containing more specific information than the previous one. For example, a hierarchical classification system might start with the broad category of "animals" and then divide that into more specific categories such as "mammals," "reptiles," and "birds." Each of these categories can then be further divided into even more specific categories, such as "dogs," "cats," "turtles," and "parrots." This type of classification system allows for easy and comprehensive organization of data.

Classification by Coding

Finally, classification can also be done by assigning codes to each item or concept. This type of classification is often used in research studies, where participants are asked to code or label items according to specific criteria. For example, a study might ask participants to code a list of activities as either "positive" or "negative," or to label items as either "helpful" or "unhelpful." This type of classification allows researchers to quickly and easily analyze the responses and draw conclusions about the data.


Active member
Classification occurs when items or groups of items are organized into categories based on shared characteristics. Classification systems can be used for many purposes, such as organizing a library's books into genres, or classifying species of plants and animals into taxonomic categories. Generally, classification relies on the assignment of labels or tags to the items being classified, which can then be used to sort and group them in meaningful ways. Classification can be done manually or digitally, and can be as simple or as complex as needed for the task at hand.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Classification is the process of assigning objects, items, or organisms into different categories or groups based on certain characteristics. For example, the scientific process of classifying plants and animals into different species is based on common characteristics that each species share. In the business and finance world, classification is used to organize different types of investments into categories based on the expected returns, risk levels, and other factors. Classification can also be used to organize data into groups according to certain criteria, such as income levels, geographic locations, age, and gender. Finally, classification can be used to categorize documents or information based on their content and purpose.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
How does classification occur?

Classification occurs when items or organisms are grouped into categories based on shared characteristics or traits. This process typically involves organizing and sorting the items or organisms into meaningful groups or hierarchical levels. It can be done manually, or by using computer algorithms.