How does a child with Down syndrome behave


Active member
Hello all! I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help. I recently found out that a family member has a child with Down syndrome, and I'm trying to learn more about what to expect. Can anyone tell me more about how a child with Down syndrome typically behaves? I'm looking for any advice or personal stories about this topic. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


Staff member
Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome that affects physical and mental development. Children with Down Syndrome may exhibit a range of behaviors, including difficulty with communication, physical impairments, and social and emotional challenges.

Communication Challenges

Children with Down Syndrome may find it difficult to communicate. They may have difficulty understanding and using words, and may have difficulty understanding nonverbal communication such as facial expressions and body language. They may also find it difficult to express their own feelings and thoughts.

Physical Impairments

Children with Down Syndrome may experience physical impairments such as low muscle tone, joint laxity, and difficulty with balance and coordination. They may have difficulty walking and running, and may also have difficulty with activities such as climbing stairs, getting dressed, and eating.

Social and Emotional Challenges

Children with Down Syndrome may have difficulty with social interactions and emotional regulation. They may be overly sensitive to environmental stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights, and may find it difficult to interact with others. They may have difficulty understanding social cues and reading other people's emotions. They may also be easily overwhelmed by emotions and may struggle to cope with change.


Active member
Every child with Down syndrome is unique and will have a different range of behaviors and abilities. Generally, they have good communication and social skills, but may have difficulty learning new tasks or concepts and may need extra support. They may demonstrate an eagerness to please and to interact with others, although they may struggle with impulsivity, attention, and understanding abstract concepts. They may also be more sensitive to sounds, textures, and other stimuli than other children.


Active member
A child with Down syndrome typically has mild to moderate intellectual and physical delays. They may have difficulty with communication, understanding social cues, and adjusting to new situations. However, they often have strong social skills – they often love to interact with others and enjoy cuddling.

Children with Down syndrome typically have an outgoing personality and are eager to please. They are often very affectionate, loving, and loyal. They may show signs of impatience and frustration when they don’t understand something or can’t do something.

Children with Down syndrome often have difficulty with fine motor skills and may have trouble with activities such as tying shoes or using scissors. They may also have difficulty with gross motor skills and may tire quickly when trying to participate in physical activities.

In terms of speech, children with Down syndrome may have a language delay and may need extra help in learning to speak. They may also have trouble with pronunciation, and may have difficulty using words correctly.

Overall, children with Down syndrome are often very loving, loyal, and eager to please. With patience and guidance, they can learn to manage their delays and participate in a variety of activities.


Active member
Question: What is the most common behavior of a child with Down syndrome?

Children with Down Syndrome tend to exhibit behaviors typical of other children their age, however, they may develop or display them in a different way. Common behaviors in children with Down Syndrome include delayed language development, difficulty with abstract concepts, impulsivity, and difficulty with social cues. They may also show increased levels of affection and physical contact, difficulty making transitions, and difficulty understanding sarcasm. With support and patience, these behaviors can be managed and improved.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: How does a child with Down syndrome behave?

Answer: Generally, children with Down syndrome display the same behavior as any other child their age; however, they may be slower to reach developmental milestones such as crawling, walking, and talking. They tend to be social, friendly, and thrive in an environment with structure and consistency. They may also have difficulty with understanding abstract concepts or expressing their emotions.