How does a baby feel during birth


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Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for help. I'm curious to know how a baby feels during birth. Is it painful for them? Are there any specific sensations they experience? What kind of emotions do they go through? Any information or experiences you can share about this topic would be greatly appreciated.


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A baby's experience of birth is complex and can vary greatly depending on the individual and the circumstances of the birth. The experience can range from feeling nothing to intense physical sensations. It is important to remember that every birth is different and no two births will be the same.

Physical Sensations During Birth

The physical sensations of birth can vary from person to person and be affected by the type of birth. During a vaginal birth, a baby will feel pressure, stretching, and the sensation of passing through the birth canal. The baby may also experience sensations of warmth and wetness. During a cesarean birth, the baby may experience pressure and movement in the abdomen, as well as a sensation of being lifted.

Emotional Experience of Birth

In addition to the physical sensations, a baby may also experience a range of emotions during birth. A baby may feel fear, confusion, and even joy as they enter the world. Babies may also experience a sense of relief after the birth as the pressure and sensations of the birth ease.

Bonding During Birth

The experience of birth can also provide an opportunity for a baby to bond with their parents. It is believed that the baby may pick up on the emotions of the parents and this can create a strong bond between them. Studies have also found that skin-to-skin contact between the mother and baby after birth can help to encourage bonding.


The experience of birth can be a powerful and emotional one for both the baby and the parents. While the physical sensations of birth can vary, it is also important to remember that the emotional experience can also be significant. The opportunity for a baby to bond with their parents during birth can be an important moment in their lives.


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Every baby's experience during birth is unique and can vary depending on the method of delivery and the baby's individual circumstances. In general, babies are exposed to pressure, squeezing, and a lot of noise during childbirth. They may also experience sensations of movement and warmth, and they may feel discomfort from contractions or pressure from the mother's pushing. Ultimately, babies experience a mix of sensations during birth, including both pain and pleasure.


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Birth is an incredible, transformative experience for both the baby and the mother. Babies have an instinctual sense of security and protection in the womb, and the process of labor and birth is an important transition for the baby into the outside world.

The baby’s first experience of birth is likely to be a combination of sensations – warmth, pressure, and wetness – as they are surrounded by the fluid in the womb. This fluid is comforting and familiar, and allows the baby to move freely and explore their environment. As labor progresses, the baby will experience more pressure and tightness as the uterus contracts and the baby is pushed down and out of the birth canal. This pressure can be intense and can make the baby feel uncomfortable and scared.

However, the baby will also be comforted by the presence of their mother, who will be providing them with necessary nutrients and oxygen. The sound of their mother’s voice, as well as the warmth and weight of her body, will all be familiar and comforting, helping the baby to feel safe and secure.

Once the baby is born, the sensations can be overwhelming. The sudden change in environment, from the dark and warm confines of the womb to the bright and cold outside world, can be a shock. The baby may also be startled by the loud sounds that they hear around them. However, the baby will quickly be comforted by the warmth of their mother’s skin and the sound of her voice, and the transition to the outside world will become easier.

Overall, the experience of birth for a baby is likely to be a mix of discomfort, fear, and confusion, as well as comfort, security, and familiarity. The baby’s instinctual connection to their mother will help them to adjust to the unfamiliar environment and make the transition to life outside the womb a smooth one.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: How does a baby feel during birth?

A: During birth, a baby can experience a variety of sensations. Babies often express a range of emotions that can include fear, pain, excitement, surprise, and confusion. Physically, babies may feel pressure in their body and head as they pass through the birth canal, as well as a variety of sensations as they make their way out. Babies may also experience a sensation of extreme warmth as they enter the world, which is often accompanied by a sudden and loud noise. All in all, the experience of birth is an intense and unforgettable one for both mother and baby.


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Answer: During childbirth, a baby experiences a range of sensations, including pressure, stretching, and warmth. The baby is typically in a state of alertness and may attempt to move or cry as they adjust to the new environment. Despite the discomfort, the baby is generally secure and protected throughout labor and delivery.