How do you control anti social Behaviour


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"Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice on how to control anti social behaviour. I've recently had to deal with a situation in which someone was being very disruptive and making it difficult for others around them to feel comfortable. Does anyone have any strategies or tips for how to handle this kind of situation? I would really appreciate any help or advice that others can provide.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Understanding Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour is a broad term that encompasses a variety of behaviours that are considered to be socially unacceptable. It can include anything from aggressive or intimidating behaviour, verbal abuse, physical violence, vandalism, to minor offences such as littering and public intoxication.

Preventing Anti-Social Behaviour

The best way to prevent anti-social behaviour is to take steps to create an environment where it is not tolerated. This can include setting clear rules and expectations for behaviour, providing effective consequences for any violations, and reinforcing positive behaviour.

It is also important to provide adequate support and resources to those who are engaging in anti-social behaviour. This can include counselling or therapy, as well as educational programmes and activities that promote positive social interaction and cooperation.

Responding to Anti-Social Behaviour

When responding to anti-social behaviour, it is important to be firm but fair. It is important to remain calm and professional, and to avoid responding in a way that escalates the situation.

It is important to address the behaviour in a timely manner, and to ensure that everyone involved understands the consequences of their behaviour. When possible, it is also important to provide the individual with the opportunity to discuss their behaviour and to provide them with support and resources to help them make better choices in the future.


Active member
To control anti-social behaviour, the best approach is to set clear boundaries and rules, and to make sure these are consistently enforced. It is also important to encourage positive behaviour, by rewarding good behaviour with praise and recognition. Additionally, it is important to address the underlying causes of the anti-social behaviour, such as poverty, mental illness, or lack of education. Doing so will help to prevent the behaviour from occurring in the first place. Finally, it is important to have support systems in place, such as counselling services or community support groups, to help those who are engaging in anti-social behaviour to find better ways to express themselves and their emotions.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: What are the most effective strategies for controlling anti-social behaviour?

An effective strategy for controlling anti-social behaviour is to set clear boundaries and expectations. These should be communicated to all members of the community, and enforced consistently and fairly. Establishing an open dialogue between those affected by anti-social behaviour, such as victims, parents and guardians, and the perpetrators is essential. This can help to identify underlying issues, and can allow for effective interventions to be created. Additionally, it is important to have a strong community support system in place, such as a neighbourhood watch or a community police presence. Finally, engaging in activities that promote positive behaviour, such as community events, sports and recreational activities, can help to create an environment where anti-social behaviour is not tolerated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"What can be done to control anti-social behaviour in public areas?"

A range of measures can be taken to control anti-social behaviour in public areas. These include increased public security presence, increased surveillance, improved lighting, better policing and community initiatives, as well as providing more recreation activities for young people to reduce boredom. Education and awareness-raising are also important, as is working closely with local authorities and other stakeholders to ensure that all issues are addressed in a collaborative manner.