How do they test for alcoholic hepatitis


Active member
"Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help and advice about alcoholic hepatitis. Does anyone know how they test for this condition? I've heard different stories and I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what the testing process is like.

I'm hoping to get some insight into what I should expect if I'm ever tested for alcoholic hepatitis, and what kind of questions I should be asking my doctor.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

Diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis is based on a combination of medical history, physical exam, and laboratory tests. A doctor may ask about alcohol consumption history, including the amount and duration of drinking. During physical examination, the doctor will look for signs of liver damage such as jaundice, and may feel for an enlarged liver.

Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests to diagnose alcoholic hepatitis include:

Liver function tests: These tests measure the levels of enzymes and proteins in the blood that are released when the liver is injured.

Blood alcohol level: A blood alcohol level test measures the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Imaging tests: Imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI may be used to look for signs of liver damage.

Liver biopsy: A liver biopsy is a procedure in which a small piece of liver tissue is removed and examined under a microscope. This can help to diagnose alcoholic hepatitis and to determine the severity of the disease.


Active member
Alcoholic hepatitis is typically diagnosed by a combination of physical symptoms, medical history, and lab tests. To rule out other causes of liver problems, a doctor may do a physical exam, ask about alcohol use, and order blood tests to check for elevated liver enzymes. Imaging tests such as an ultrasound or CT scan may also be done to get a better picture of the liver. In some cases, a liver biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.


Active member
Alcoholic hepatitis is typically diagnosed in a hospital or doctor's office setting with a physical exam and a series of tests. Blood tests can be used to check for liver function and detect inflammation, while imaging tests like ultrasounds, CT scans, or MRIs can also be used to look for signs of damage. In some cases, a liver biopsy may be necessary to rule out other conditions and to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment typically involves abstaining from alcohol and medications to reduce inflammation and support the liver.


Active member
Alcoholic hepatitis is a serious form of liver disease that is caused by heavy drinking. It is diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation by a doctor, which may include blood tests, imaging tests, and a physical exam. The blood tests will look for signs of inflammation and liver damage. Imaging tests such as an ultrasound or CT scan may be used to look for signs of liver scarring. Your doctor may also perform a physical exam to check for signs of jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and eyes. Your doctor may also ask you about your drinking habits to assess if you may be at risk for developing alcoholic hepatitis.