How do people with Angelman syndrome act


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Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some help and advice regarding Angelman syndrome. I'm trying to learn more about how people living with Angelman syndrome act and behave on a day-to-day basis. I'm aware that the condition is quite rare so I'm hoping to find some helpful people on this forum who have experience with the syndrome. Can anyone who has knowledge or insight on the matter share their thoughts and experiences? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. People with AS often have developmental delays, difficulty speaking, and impaired motor skills. They often exhibit some common behaviors that can be characterized as "happy-go-lucky."

Behavioral Characteristics

People with AS often display a variety of behavioral characteristics. These behaviors can range from hyperactivity and impulsivity to more serious issues such as self-injurious behaviors.

-Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: People with AS may have difficulty sitting still and controlling their impulses. They may be easily distracted and have difficulty focusing on tasks.

-Self-Injurious Behaviors: Self-injurious behaviors are common in people with AS and these can include head banging, skin picking, and biting.

-Social Skills: People with AS often have difficulty with social skills, such as initiating and maintaining conversations. They may also exhibit behaviors such as laughing loudly or making inappropriate comments.

Communication Skills

People with AS often have difficulty speaking and communicating. They may be non-verbal or have limited verbal communication skills. They may use sign language, gestures, or point to objects to communicate.

Cognitive Abilities

People with AS may have limited cognitive abilities. They may have difficulty learning new tasks. They may also have difficulty understanding abstract concepts and may struggle with problem-solving skills.

Sensory Issues

People with AS may be sensitive to certain sounds, smells, or textures. They may also have difficulty processing visual information.

Care and Treatment

There is no cure for AS, but there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms. These may include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and behavior therapy. It is important to have a comprehensive treatment plan that is tailored to the individual's needs.


Active member
People with Angelman syndrome typically have a unique set of behaviors and characteristics that distinguish them from individuals without the syndrome. They often have a happy, excitable demeanour and an infectious laugh. They tend to be attracted to water and enjoy swimming and baths, and they may have difficulties with balance and coordination.

Angelman syndrome also generally affects an individual's communication skills. They may have difficulty using words or understanding what others are saying. However, they are often able to communicate through gestures, facial expressions, and vocalizations. Additionally, individuals with Angelman syndrome may be socially motivated, as they often enjoy interacting with those around them, although they may need guidance to learn appropriate social behaviors.

In addition to these behaviors, individuals with Angelman syndrome may have difficulty sleeping and may be sensitive to loud noises or bright lights. They may also engage in repetitive activities, such as hand-flapping or rocking, that can help them to self-soothe. Additionally, they may be prone to seizures and have medical needs that require regular monitoring and management.

In general, people with Angelman syndrome have a unique personality that is often characterized by a happy demeanor and a strong desire for social interaction. They may have challenges with communication and coordination, but with the right supports and interventions, they can live full and meaningful lives.


Active member
People with Angelman Syndrome can vary in their behavior, but some common traits include extreme excitability, flapping hands, hyperactivity, and laughter. They can also be quite affectionate, and show strong social interest. People with Angelman Syndrome may also have difficulty with speech, and may rely on physical or sign language to communicate. They may also have difficulty sleeping and controlling their movements, and some may experience seizures.


Active member
Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a neurological disorder that affects speech, movement, balance, and the ability to learn. People with AS typically have a happy and excitable demeanor, as well as frequent outbursts of laughter and smiling. They may also have difficulty sleeping, and be prone to flapping movements with their hands. Additionally, they may have difficulty with expressive language, and may use body language to communicate instead. People with AS often require extra assistance with everyday tasks, and may need help with eating and dressing.


Active member
People with Angelman syndrome typically have a unique set of behaviors and characteristics that distinguish them from individuals without the syndrome. They often have a happy, excitable demeanour and an infectious laugh. They tend to be attracted to water and enjoy swimming and baths, and they may have difficulties with balance and coordination.

Angelman syndrome also generally affects an individual's communication skills. They may have difficulty using words or understanding what others are saying. However, they are often able to communicate through gestures, facial expressions, and vocalizations. Additionally, individuals with Angelman syndrome may be socially motivated, as they often enjoy interacting with those around them, although they may need guidance to learn appropriate social behaviors.

In addition to these behaviors, individuals with Angelman syndrome may have difficulty sleeping and may be sensitive to loud noises or bright lights. They may also engage in repetitive activities, such as hand-flapping or rocking, that can help them to self-soothe. Additionally, they may be prone to seizures and have medical needs that require regular monitoring and management.

In general, people with Angelman syndrome have a unique personality that is often characterized by a happy demeanor and a strong desire for social interaction. They may have challenges with communication and coordination, but with the right supports and interventions, they can live full and meaningful lives.


Active member
Question: How does Angelman syndrome affect a person's behavior?

Answer: Angelman syndrome can affect a person's behavior in a variety of ways. People with Angelman syndrome may have difficulty controlling their emotions, leading to outbursts of laughing or crying. They may also have difficulty focusing on tasks and lack the ability to initiate and sustain conversations. People with Angelman syndrome may also have limited motor skills, making it difficult for them to express themselves through body language and facial expressions. Additionally, people with Angelman syndrome may be hyperactive, have difficulty sleeping, and exhibit repetitive behaviors such as rocking and hand-flapping.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"My brother has Angelman syndrome and I'm trying to understand how he acts. Can anyone provide some insight?"

People with Angelman Syndrome typically have difficulty communicating, and may have limited speech, as well as repetitive behaviors. They often appear very happy, and may laugh and smile frequently. They can also have balance and coordination issues, and may have seizures. Understanding your brother's behavior can take time, but with patience and love, you can develop a meaningful relationship.