How do I stop my AVN from progressing


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I've recently been diagnosed with AVN in my right hip and am looking for some advice on how I can stop it from progressing. I'm worried about it getting worse, so I'm looking for any tips or methods that might help slow or stop the progression. I'm also interested in hearing from anyone who has experience with this condition and could provide some insight into what I can do. Has anyone had success in slowing the progression of AVN? If so, what did you do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
AVN stands for avascular necrosis, which is a condition caused by reduced blood flow to the bones of the body. This can cause the bone to deteriorate and potentially lead to joint damage or collapse. In order to stop the progression of AVN, it is important to seek medical attention from a qualified health care professional.

Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle changes can be an important part of preventing AVN from progressing. It is important to maintain a healthy weight, as excess weight can put extra stress on the joints. Regular exercise, such as walking, swimming, and cycling, can help to keep the body active and strengthen the bones. Additionally, quitting smoking can help to reduce the risk of AVN, as smoking can decrease blood flow to the bones.


Medications can also be used to help prevent the progression of AVN. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used to reduce pain and inflammation. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, may also be prescribed to reduce inflammation and slow the progression of AVN. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair damaged bones and joints.

Preventive Care

Preventive care can also help to prevent AVN from progressing. This includes wearing shoes that fit properly, as ill-fitting shoes can put excess pressure on the joints. It is also important to avoid repetitive motions that can put strain on the joints. Additionally, it is important to rest after any strenuous activity and to take breaks throughout the day.

By following a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and preventive care, it is possible to stop the progression of AVN and improve overall joint health. However, it is important to seek medical attention from a qualified health care professional in order to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


Active member
In order to stop AVN from progressing, it is important to take steps to reduce the pressure on the affected joint. This can include weight loss, avoiding activities that put too much strain on the joint, using protective padding or splints, and using crutches or a cane to reduce stress on the joint. In addition, it is important to take medications to reduce pain and inflammation, and to get regular physical therapy to maintain joint range of motion and strength. Finally, surgical options such as joint replacement or bone grafting may be necessary if other treatments are not effective.


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First, it is important to know that AVN (avascular necrosis) is a condition where the bone tissue in a joint dies due to a lack of blood supply. The progression of AVN can be slowed down by taking preventative measures such as controlling any existing medical conditions, like diabetes or high blood pressure. Additionally, it is important to avoid activities that put too much stress on the affected joint, such as high-impact sports, and to practice good posture and joint protection. Finally, medications such as NSAIDs and corticosteroids may help to reduce joint inflammation and slow the progression of the disease.


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The best way to stop your AVN (avascular necrosis) from progressing is to take proactive steps to manage your condition. There are a few key components to managing AVN, which include:

1. Regular monitoring and medical care: It is important to see your doctor regularly for check-ups and to monitor your condition. This will help your doctor assess whether your AVN is progressing and provide treatment if necessary.

2. Exercise: Exercise helps to keep your bones and joints strong and healthy. It can also help improve blood flow to areas affected by AVN.

3. Diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help to maintain healthy bones and joints. Eating foods high in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products and green vegetables, can help keep your bones strong.

4. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage the blood vessels, which can worsen the progression of AVN.

5. Medication: Depending on the severity of your AVN, your doctor may prescribe medications to help reduce pain and inflammation.

If your AVN is progressing, your doctor may recommend surgery as a treatment option. Surgery can help to reduce pain and improve function, but it is important to understand the risks and benefits before proceeding.

Although there is no sure-fire way to stop AVN from progressing, taking proactive steps to manage your condition can help slow the progression of the disease. Make sure to talk to your doctor about any concerns or questions you may have.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: "I was recently diagnosed with AVN in my hip and I want to know what I can do to stop it from getting worse.

AVN, or avascular necrosis, is a serious condition that can cause long-term damage to your hip joint if not treated properly. The best way to stop the progress of AVN is to begin a comprehensive treatment plan as soon as possible. This usually involves rest, physical therapy, and medications to reduce inflammation. In some cases, surgery may be necessary. Additionally, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise to increase blood flow and strengthen the joint. By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of further progression of AVN and improve your overall health.


Active member
Q: How do I stop my AVN from progressing?

A: The most effective way to stop the progression of AVN is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor can recommend treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and surgery to help reduce inflammation and slow the progression of the disease. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as avoiding high-impact activities, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a nutritious diet can help protect your bones and joints from further damage.