If you have a fungal infection in your nail, the first step is to visit your doctor or dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. They can determine what type of fungal infection you have and prescribe the most effective treatment.
To get rid of a fungal infection in your nail, your doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication. This may be a topical solution or an oral medication, depending on the severity of the infection. Topical solutions are applied directly to the affected nail, while oral medications are taken by mouth.
Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes to help prevent the infection from returning or spreading to other nails. This could include keeping the infected area clean and dry, wearing breathable shoes, and avoiding contact with contaminated surfaces.
You may also be advised to use over-the-counter antifungal creams or ointments. These can be applied directly to the affected nail to help reduce the symptoms and speed up the healing process.
It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully when treating a fungal infection. This includes taking all medications as directed, continuing to use antifungal treatments even after the infection has cleared, and avoiding activities that could potentially re-infect the area.
In addition to medical treatment, you may also want to consider complementary therapies such as tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar. These can be effective when used in combination with your doctor’s prescribed treatment plan.
It can take several weeks for a fungal infection in the nail to improve. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, you should be able to get rid of the infection and restore your nail to its healthy state.