How do adults with Asperger's behave


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Does anyone have any insight or experience on how adults with Asperger's behave? I'm looking for information about how adults with Asperger's Syndrome might think, act, and interact with others. Any advice or stories you can share about your own experiences would be really helpful. I'm interested in hearing about any challenges or successes you or someone you know has had with Asperger's. Thanks so much for any help you can provide.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Social Interaction

Adults with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) can interact socially in ways that are quite different from those of other adults. They may struggle to understand the nuances of social interactions, such as body language, facial expressions, and verbal communication. They may have difficulty expressing themselves emotionally, and may appear to be unemotional or aloof. They may also be unusually sensitive to external stimuli, such as sounds, smells, and visual stimuli.


Adults with AS may have difficulty understanding the nuances of verbal communication, such as sarcasm, jokes, or metaphors. They may also struggle to express themselves verbally, and may have difficulty with word choice and grammar. They may be overly literal in their interpretations of language, or become easily frustrated when trying to communicate.


Adults with AS may have difficulty controlling their impulses or emotions. They may be prone to outbursts, and may engage in repetitive behaviors, such as hand flapping or rocking. They may also be overly focused on their own interests, and may have difficulty understanding the perspectives and feelings of others. They may also have difficulty with organization and planning, and may struggle with tasks that require multitasking or long-term planning.


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Adults with Asperger's Syndrome typically display difficulty with social interaction and communication, as well as a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors or routines. They may have difficulty understanding social cues, such as facial expressions or body language. They may find it difficult to make and maintain friendships, and may display a lack of empathy. They may also have difficulty interpreting jokes or sarcasm. Additionally, they may display intense interests in certain topics and have difficulty with changes in routine or transitions.


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Adults with Asperger's may behave differently from person to person. However, they often experience difficulties with social interaction and communication, may have difficulty interpreting social cues and understanding interpersonal relationships, and may display an intense focus on specific interests. They may also be overly sensitive to sensory stimulation, struggle with anxiety and depression, and have difficulty with executive functioning skills such as organizing and planning. It's important to recognize that adults with Asperger's can live productive and fulfilling lives, and can learn strategies to effectively manage their symptoms.


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Adults with Asperger's Syndrome often display behaviors that can range from mild to severe, depending on the individual. Generally, adults with Asperger's Syndrome can have difficulty with social interactions, as well as sensitivity to certain stimuli in the environment.

Adults with Asperger's Syndrome may have difficulty with social interactions due to difficulty reading social cues and body language, and difficulty understanding and responding to the emotions of others. They may also struggle with social conversations and maintaining relationships. They may have difficulty expressing their emotions or understanding the emotions of others, and may find it hard to make and keep friends.

Adults with Asperger's Syndrome may also be sensitive to certain types of stimuli in the environment. They may be easily overwhelmed by loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells. They may also have difficulty with changes in routine, or become overwhelmed when faced with too much information or too many choices.

Adults with Asperger's Syndrome may also have difficulty in the workplace. They may have difficulty understanding the unspoken rules of the workplace or interpreting instructions. They may also find it difficult to maintain focus and complete tasks.

Adults with Asperger's Syndrome may also have difficulty with non-verbal communication, such as hand gestures and facial expressions. They may find it hard to show empathy or understanding of others, and may be seen as aloof or distant.

In general, adults with Asperger's Syndrome may display behaviors that can range from mild to severe, depending on the individual. While some may struggle with social interactions, sensitivity to stimuli, and communication, others may be able to manage these symptoms with the help of supportive friends, family, and professionals.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: How do adults with Asperger's behave?

Answer: Adults with Asperger's Syndrome often display similar behaviors as children with the condition, such as difficulty with social interactions, difficulty reading social cues, problems with organization and communication, and a tendency to become overwhelmed in social settings. However, adults may also develop coping mechanisms to manage their condition, such as focusing on specific interests, taking time to process social situations, and proactively managing their stress levels. In general, adults with Asperger's Syndrome will display a combination of challenges and strengths, depending on the individual's circumstances.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: How do adults with Asperger's behave?

A: Adults with Asperger's may display a range of behaviors that can vary in intensity. These can include difficulty with social situations, difficulty with communication, an intense focus on certain topics or activities, and difficulty with emotional regulation. They may also show a lack of empathy and an inability to understand nonverbal communication.