How did I overcome bulimia


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I have been struggling with bulimia for years and I am desperate to find a way to overcome it. I am looking for advice and support from anyone else who has gone through the same thing. Has anyone here been able to overcome their bulimia and, if so, what strategies did you find helpful? I'm looking for any advice or tips that could help me on my journey to recovery. Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
My journey to overcoming bulimia was a long and difficult one, but I eventually succeeded with the help of a combination of therapy, support, and self-care. I’d like to share my story and the lessons I learned along the way in hopes that it will help others who are struggling with the same disorder.

The Early Stages

The first signs of my bulimia began in my late teens. I was a competitive athlete and felt immense pressure to stay thin and in shape. I began obsessively counting calories and exercising obsessively. I felt like I had to control my diet and my body to meet the expectations of others.

The Turning Point

Things began to spiral out of control, and I started to engage in binging and purging behaviors. I felt ashamed and embarrassed, but I was unable to stop the cycle. It took me a long time to realize that I had a problem and that I needed help.

Getting Help

I finally reached out to my family and friends for help and support. They understood and were incredibly understanding and supportive. I also sought out professional help from a therapist who specialized in eating disorders. I was able to talk openly and honestly about my struggles and was given the tools I needed to make positive changes in my life.

Setting Goals

My therapist and I began to set goals for my recovery. We talked about the importance of self-care, healthy eating, and regular exercise. I also began to track my meals and snacks to ensure that I was getting the proper nutrition. It was an incredibly challenging process, but I was determined to make a change.

The Road to Recovery

Through the help of my therapist, support from my family and friends, and the dedication to making positive changes, I eventually overcame my bulimia. It took time, patience, and dedication, but I was eventually able to break the cycle and take control of my life.

The Takeaway

My experience with overcoming bulimia was not easy, but it was worth it. I learned the importance of self-care, healthy eating, and regular exercise. I also realized the importance of having a support system and seeking out professional help when needed. I hope my story can help others who are struggling with the same disorder.


Active member
I overcame bulimia through a combination of self-care, professional help, and lifestyle changes. I started by taking time out of my day to focus on myself, whether through yoga, journaling, or simply taking a walk. I also sought help from a therapist to help me identify and work through the underlying issues that were causing my bulimia. Finally, I made lifestyle changes such as eating regularly, avoiding triggers, and exercising regularly. These changes took time and effort, but eventually I was able to overcome my bulimia and become a healthier and happier person.


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I overcame bulimia through a combination of methods. I first educated myself on the physical and psychological effects of the disorder, which allowed me to recognize the emotional triggers behind my behavior. I then worked with a therapist to develop a healthier relationship with food and my body. I also developed an exercise routine and began practicing mindfulness and meditation. Ultimately, I learned to focus on my overall health, rather than obsessing over my bodyweight. This combination of methods helped me to gain control of my life again and make sustainable lifestyle changes.


Active member
I overcame bulimia by taking a multifaceted approach that included a combination of physical, mental, and emotional strategies.

Physically, I began by making a few key changes to my diet. I avoided eating large meals, often skipping meals altogether, and I took care to eat smaller, nutrient-dense meals that were low in sugar. I also incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my diet, and I limited my intake of processed foods. To help me monitor my eating patterns, I began keeping a food journal, recording the content and portion size of each meal.

Mentally, I began to work on changing my thought patterns. I sought out professional help and received cognitive-behavioral therapy, which allowed me to recognize unhealthy thought patterns and replace them with healthier ones. I also took steps to increase my self-awareness and self-esteem, such as practicing visualization and mindfulness exercises.

Emotionally, I began to practice self-care. I took time to relax and engage in activities that I found enjoyable, such as reading, journaling, and watching my favorite TV shows. I also made an effort to stay connected with my friends and family, and I found comfort in talking with them about my struggles.

By taking a multifaceted approach to overcoming bulimia, I was able to make lasting changes to my diet, thought patterns, and emotional state, which ultimately helped me recover from this difficult disorder.


Active member
Q: How did you break out of the cycle of binging and purging?

A: For me, breaking out of the cycle of binging and purging was a gradual process. I started by setting small, achievable goals for myself, such as avoiding binging for one day. As I was successful with these goals, I increased the difficulty and length of time. Additionally, I made sure to find healthy outlets for my anxiety and emotions, such as talking with a therapist and engaging in mindfulness activities. With consistency and dedication, I was eventually able to break the cycle and overcome my bulimia.


Active member
Query: How did you take the first step to overcoming bulimia?

Answer: I began my journey to recovery by seeking professional help. I started by visiting a doctor and talking to them about my concerns and struggles with bulimia. From there, they referred me to a therapist and nutritionist, who provided me with the guidance and tools I needed to make a lasting change.