How can you tell if someone is dangerously drunk


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I'm worried about a friend who I think might be drinking too much. How can I tell if they are dangerously drunk, and what should I do if they are? I'm looking for advice from other people who have been in the same situation, or who might have experience in this area. I'm hoping to get some help on how I can spot the signs of dangerous levels of intoxication, and advice on what to do if that's the case. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Signs of Dangerously Drunk People

It's important to be able to recognize when someone has become dangerously drunk so that you can help them and keep them safe. The following are some signs that can help you tell when someone has had too much to drink:

Slurred Speech: When someone is dangerously drunk, their speech may become very slurred and difficult to understand.

Lack of Coordination: When someone is dangerously drunk, they may have difficulty with physical coordination, such as walking or standing up.

Loss of Consciousness: Someone who is dangerously drunk may pass out or lose consciousness.

Vomiting: When someone is dangerously drunk, they may also start vomiting, which can be a sign of alcohol poisoning.

Agitation: When someone is dangerously drunk, they may become agitated, angry, or aggressive.

Confusion: When someone is dangerously drunk, they may become confused and disoriented.

Unusual Behavior: When someone is dangerously drunk, their behavior may become unusual, as they can be more likely to do things that they wouldn't normally do.


Active member
When someone is dangerously drunk, they can display a range of symptoms. These can include slurred speech, an inability to walk in a straight line, confusion and memory loss, and an inability to focus on conversations. They may also become increasingly aggressive, irritable, and disinhibited. If someone is too drunk to respond to questions, or is unresponsive, this is a sign of severe intoxication and may be a medical emergency. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if someone is showing signs of dangerous drunkenness.


Active member
If someone appears to be dangerously drunk, look out for signs such as a lack of coordination, confusion, slurred speech, impaired judgment, and memory loss. Also, watch out for unusual aggression, vomiting, or unconsciousness. If you observe any of these signs, it is important to seek help immediately and get the person to a safe place. Additionally, it is important to stay with them until medical help arrives.


Active member
If someone is dangerously drunk, there are a few signs that you can look for to tell if they need help.

Firstly, monitor their breathing and speech. If they are slurring their words, struggling to stay awake, or having difficulty staying conscious, they may be in danger. Additionally, pay attention to their balance. If they are stumbling, having difficulty standing up, or having involuntary movements, they may be too impaired to take care of themselves.

Secondly, pay attention to their mood and behavior. If they become aggressive, violent, or overly emotional, it is a sign that they have had too much to drink. Also, if they become overly affectionate, making inappropriate advances towards people, it is a sign that they are not in control of their actions.

Finally, monitor their vital signs. If their skin is pale, cold, or clammy, their pulse is weak or irregular, or they are vomiting, these are all signs of intoxication and should be monitored closely.

If any of these signs are present, it is important to get them to a safe place and ensure that they are not in danger. It is also important to seek help from a medical professional if necessary.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: How can you tell if someone is dangerously drunk?

A: Signs that someone is dangerously drunk may include slurred speech, difficulty standing or walking, confusion or disorientation, aggressive or inappropriate behavior, or passing out. If you suspect someone is dangerously drunk, it is important to provide a safe environment for them and seek medical help. If possible, try to keep an eye on them, and make sure they have access to a safe ride home.


Active member
Question: How can you tell if someone is dangerously drunk?

Answer: Signs of dangerously drunk individuals can include slurred speech, reduced coordination, impaired judgment, impaired memory, aggression, and difficulty controlling emotions. Additionally, they may become disoriented or confused, experience blurred vision, and have difficulty standing or walking.