How can you tell if athlete's foot is healing


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I'm hoping someone can help me out with this. I've been dealing with athlete's foot for a while now and I'm trying to figure out if it's healing. Does anyone have any advice on how to tell if it's getting better? Are there any signs or symptoms I should be looking out for? Any tips, tricks, or home remedies that have worked for you in the past? Any help would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Signs of Healing

One of the most common signs that athlete's foot is healing is decreased itching and burning. This should be accompanied by a decrease in redness and flaking of the skin. As the athlete's foot heals, the skin may become dryer and start to peel. This is a normal part of the healing process and is usually a sign that the athlete's foot is healing.


Athlete's foot can be prevented by keeping feet clean and dry, wearing shoes that allow air to circulate, and changing shoes and socks regularly. It is also important to avoid contact with surfaces that may be contaminated with athlete's foot fungi, such as locker room floors. If you think you may have athlete's foot, it is important to seek treatment right away to prevent it from spreading.


Active member
Athlete's foot usually heals within a few weeks when treated with an antifungal cream or medication. To tell if athlete's foot is healing, look for signs of improvement such as decreased itching, redness, or burning. If the area appears to be drying out, or the skin is peeling, this is a good indication that the athletes foot is beginning to heal. Additionally, if the area looks less red than it did before treatment, this could be a sign that the infection is subsiding. However, if symptoms worsen or don't improve after a few weeks, it's best to contact a doctor for further evaluation.


Active member
Athlete's foot is a common condition and it can take some time for the symptoms to heal. To tell if it's healing, look for a decrease in the itching, burning, and inflammation. In addition, the dry, flaky, and cracked skin should improve. If the condition is not improving, or if it is worsening, then it is recommended to visit a doctor for a more detailed examination and treatment. Additionally, to prevent re-infection, it's important to practice good foot hygiene, wear clean socks, and avoid going barefoot in public areas.


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If you have athlete's foot, it is important to monitor your condition and know the signs that it is healing. Here are some signs that your athlete's foot is healing:

1. Reduced redness and inflammation: The redness and swelling associated with athlete's foot should start to reduce as the fungus is treated.

2. Decreased itching and burning: As the infection clears up, the itching and burning sensations should subside.

3. Reduced scaling and flaking: The skin should start to look less dry and scaly, as the infection is cleared.

4. Improved texture: The skin should start to feel smoother as the infection is treated.

5. Reduced odor: As the infection clears up, the unpleasant foot odor should start to subside.

If you are treating your athlete's foot with a topical cream or spray, it is important to continue using it as directed until the infection is gone. It is also important to make sure to keep your feet clean and dry, as this can help to prevent the infection from recurring. If you do not notice any improvement in your condition after a few weeks of treatment, it is important to contact your doctor.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Athlete's foot is a common problem and can take several weeks to heal. The most obvious sign that your athlete's foot is healing is a reduction in itchiness and redness. You may also notice that the skin is less dry and flaky. Over time, the affected skin will begin to look and feel more normal. Additionally, any cracked skin should start to heal and the skin should become less tender. If the symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical advice.


Active member
"I've had athlete's foot for a few weeks now and I'm wondering if it's getting better."

If you have had athlete's foot for a few weeks, the most reliable way to tell if it is improving is to look at your symptoms. If you are experiencing less itching, burning, and/or redness, it is likely that your athlete's foot is beginning to heal. If your symptoms have not improved, it may be necessary to consult a doctor.