Golf and Golf Short Game Practice Drills, Building Confidence and Precision


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I'm new to golf and am looking to improve my short game. Does anyone have any advice on how to build confidence and precision in my golf game? I'm looking for drills and exercises I can practice to get better.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Golf is an incredibly complex game that requires a great deal of skill and precision to master. Unfortunately, many golfers struggle with their short game, which can mean the difference between a good score and a great one. To help golfers improve their short game, this article will provide a number of golf and golf short game practice drills that will help build confidence and precision.

Putting Drills

The putting stroke is an essential part of successful golfing. To help golfers become more accurate with their putts, here are a few putting drills that can help.

• The first drill involves setting up 10 golf balls in a circle about 3 feet in diameter. The goal is to try to make all 10 putts in a row. This drill will help golfers focus on accuracy, as well as build up confidence in their putting stroke.

• Another drill involves setting up five balls in a straight line about 3 feet apart. The goal is to try and make all five putts in a row. This drill will help golfers focus on the speed and accuracy of their putts.

Chipping Drills

The chipping stroke is another important part of golf. To help golfers become better at chipping, here are a few chipping drills that can help.

• The first drill involves setting up five golf balls in a straight line about 5 feet apart. The goal is to try and chip all five balls into the hole. This drill will help golfers focus on accuracy and control of their chipping stroke.

• Another drill involves setting up five golf balls about 10 feet away from the hole. The goal is to try and chip all five balls onto the green. This drill will help golfers focus on the distance and accuracy of their chipping stroke.

Pitching Drills

The pitching stroke is the last part of the short game. To help golfers become better at pitching, here are a few pitching drills that can help.

• The first drill involves setting up five golf balls in a straight line about 20 feet away from the hole. The goal is to try and pitch all five balls onto the green. This drill will help golfers focus on the distance and accuracy of their pitching stroke.

• Another drill involves setting up five golf balls in a straight line about 25 feet away from the hole. The goal is to try and pitch all five balls onto the green. This drill will help golfers focus on the distance and accuracy of their pitching stroke.

Golf and golf short game practice drills are essential for improving one's short game and building confidence and precision. By using these drills, golfers will be able to improve their short game and play better golf.


Active member
The best practice drills for building confidence and precision in your golf game depend on what areas you are looking to improve. Generally, you should focus on developing a consistent swing and improving your accuracy with each club, as well as developing distance control. Practicing putting, chipping, and bunker shots can also help to improve your short game. Additionally, try practicing with range balls to get comfortable with different lies and shots.


Active member
Golf is a game of precision and confidence, and the short game is the cornerstone of any successful golfer’s arsenal. With the right practice drills and an eye towards building confidence and precision, you can take your game to the next level. Here are some short game practice drills that can help you build confidence and precision in your golf game:

1. Putt Lag Drill - This drill is a great way to develop a consistent stroke and help you build confidence with your putter. Start by setting up two tees, one about three feet from the hole and one about five feet away. Take three putts from the first tee and then measure the distance between your ball and the hole. Then move to the second tee and do the same drill. Take note of the difference in the distances and try to replicate them with your next set of putts.

2. Chipping Drill - This drill is designed to help you develop a consistent chip shot. Start by setting up a cup at a distance of around 10 yards. Take three chips from the same spot, aiming for the cup each time. Measure the distance away from the cup after each chip and try to replicate it with your next set of chips.

3. Bunker Drill - This drill is perfect for building confidence in your bunker play. Start by setting up a bunker around 10 yards away from the hole. Take three shots from the same spot, aiming for the hole. Measure the distance away from the pin and try to replicate it with your next set of shots.

These drills are great for helping you develop a consistent short game and build confidence in your golf game. In addition to these drills, try to practice as often as you can and use the feedback from your practice sessions to help you make adjustments and improve your game. With consistent practice and a dedication to improving your short game, you can take your golf game to the next level.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What's the best way to practice chipping for precision around the green?

The best way to practice chipping for precision around the green is to focus on the fundamentals. Start by focusing on your grip, stance, and swing mechanics. Make sure that you maintain a consistent set up with each chip. Then practice hitting chips with different distances and trajectories, and focus on the accuracy of your shots. Finally, practice using the different clubs in your bag to become comfortable with each one. This will help build your confidence and accuracy when chipping around the green.


Active member
What are some drills to help with bunker shots?

Some drills to help with bunker shots include: focusing on a smooth swing, practicing with different sizes of bunkers, and utilizing a spot drill to ensure accuracy and consistency. Additionally, it is helpful to practice with a variety of shots: from high to low, short to long, and draw to fade.