Golf and Golf Putting Drills, Improving Your Putting Stroke


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Hey everyone, I'm trying to improve my putting stroke and was wondering if anyone had any tips or drills I could use? I've been looking into golf and golf putting drills, but I'm not sure which ones would be the most beneficial for me.


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Global Mod
Golf and Golf Putting Drills, Improving Your Putting Stroke


The grip is one of the most important elements of a successful putting stroke. It should be comfortable and relaxed. There are several grip variations, but the most common is the overlapping grip. To achieve this grip, overlap your left hand over your right with your thumbs pointing down the shaft of the putter. Make sure your arms and hands are in line with your shoulders so that all of your muscles are in sync when you swing.


Alignment is key to a successful putt. You want to make sure you are lined up correctly, with your feet, hips, and shoulders in a straight line. This will ensure your stroke is on the correct path and that it remains consistent throughout the entire stroke.


Your stance is also important when it comes to putting. You want to be sure you are standing comfortably and not too close or too far away from the ball. You want your stance to be balanced and stable so that you can maintain a consistent putting stroke.

Body Movement

Your body movement is essential for a successful putting stroke. You want to keep your head and eyes still when putting and keep your body in a stable position. This will ensure your stroke remains consistent and you don't hit the ball off-line.


The follow-through is an important part of the putting stroke and can often be overlooked. You want to make sure you follow through with the stroke until your arms are fully extended and that your wrists remain in a stable position. This will help you control the distance and direction of your putts.

By focusing on these key elements of putting, you can improve your putting stroke and lower your scores. With practice and dedication, you can become a better putter and master the greens.


Active member
Golf putting drills are essential for improving your putting stroke, as they help you practice specific techniques and instill good habits. Practicing golf putting drills can improve your ability to read greens, execute a consistent putting stroke, and even increase your confidence.

The first step is to develop a consistent putting stroke. Start by setting up a practice area with a few clubs and some balls. Focus on keeping your head still and not looking up during the stroke. Make sure your hands are in the proper position and keep your arms and wrists relaxed. Practice hitting a few balls and work on keeping the same motion with every stroke.

Once you have developed a consistent stroke, you can start to work on reading the greens. Start by looking at the slope and contours of the green. Pay attention to how the grass is growing and the grain of the grass. This will help you determine how your ball will roll on the green.

When you’re ready to practice your putting stroke, start by putting from different distances. This will help you get used to adjusting your stroke to different speeds and distances. You can also practice putting from different angles. This will help you learn how to hit draws and fades.

Finally, practice your putting stroke in a variety of conditions. Try putting on a sloped green, in the wind, and on a fast green. This will help you learn how to adjust your stroke to different conditions.

Golf putting drills are a great way to improve your putting stroke. By practicing a consistent stroke, reading greens, and putting from different distances and angles, you can become a better putter. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to become a better putter in no time.


Active member
To improve your putting stroke, start by focusing on the fundamentals. Make sure you have a good grip, a square clubface, and a shoulder-width stance. Additionally, practice keeping your movements smooth and controlled. Pay attention to your body position and be sure your backswing and follow-through are the same length. Finally, focus on your target and keep your head still as you swing. With practice and dedication, you should be able to improve your putting stroke.


Global Mod
Global Mod

"I'm having trouble with my putting stroke and am looking for some drills to help me improve. I've tried a few but nothing seems to be helping. What should I do?"


Having trouble with your putting stroke can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’ve tried a few drills but nothing seems to be helping. However, all hope is not lost – there are plenty of drills out there that can help you improve your putting stroke.

The first drill you can try is the ‘Two Ball Drill’. This drill involves placing two golf balls side-by-side, a few inches apart. The aim is to hit both balls with the same stroke, and if you’re able to do so, then your stroke is consistent and you should be able to make putts more consistently too.

The ‘Back and Through Drill’ is another great drill that can help you improve your putting stroke. This drill involves aiming your putter back towards the target and then ‘sweeping’ through the ball with a smooth, consistent stroke. This drill can help you develop a feel for the correct amount of power and tempo that you need to hit a successful putt.

The ‘Alignment Drill’ is another excellent way to improve your putting stroke. This drill involves placing a golf ball at the centre of a straight line of four tees, and then setting up your putter so that the clubface aligns with the tees. This drill can help you to ensure that your putter is correctly aligned with the ball, which is essential for successful putting.

Finally, the ‘Tee Drill’ is another great drill that can help you improve your putting stroke. This drill involves setting up a tee in front of the ball and then practicing your putting stroke. This drill can help you to develop a consistent stroke, as you’ll be able to feel the resistance of the tee if you don’t make a smooth, consistent stroke.

These are just a few of the drills that you can try to help improve your putting stroke. If you’re still having trouble after trying these drills, then you may want to consider getting some professional help. A golf pro can watch you hit putts and offer advice and feedback on how to improve your stroke.

No matter how frustrated you may be, don’t give up on trying to improve your putting stroke. With a bit of practice and the right drills, you’ll be able to develop a consistent and successful stroke in no time.


Active member
Golf putting drills are essential for improving your putting stroke, as they help you practice specific techniques and instill good habits. Practicing golf putting drills can improve your ability to read greens, execute a consistent putting stroke, and even increase your confidence.

The first step is to develop a consistent putting stroke. Start by setting up a practice area with a few clubs and some balls. Focus on keeping your head still and not looking up during the stroke. Make sure your hands are in the proper position and keep your arms and wrists relaxed. Practice hitting a few balls and work on keeping the same motion with every stroke.

Once you have developed a consistent stroke, you can start to work on reading the greens. Start by looking at the slope and contours of the green. Pay attention to how the grass is growing and the grain of the grass. This will help you determine how your ball will roll on the green.

When you’re ready to practice your putting stroke, start by putting from different distances. This will help you get used to adjusting your stroke to different speeds and distances. You can also practice putting from different angles. This will help you learn how to hit draws and fades.

Finally, practice your putting stroke in a variety of conditions. Try putting on a sloped green, in the wind, and on a fast green. This will help you learn how to adjust your stroke to different conditions.

Golf putting drills are a great way to improve your putting stroke. By practicing a consistent stroke, reading greens, and putting from different distances and angles, you can become a better putter. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to become a better putter in no time.


Active member
"I have been struggling with my putting stroke for a while. What are some drills that I can do to help improve it?"

One simple drill to improve putting stroke is to practice with a slightly different club. Try using a club with more loft or less loft than your putter. This will help you develop a better feel for the speed of your putter. Additionally, you can practice putting from various distances, and different angles of approach. This will help you develop a better feel for the weight of your putter and a greater sense of control over it. You can also practice long putts from various distances, as this will help you account for the break in the green. Finally, you can practice on different types of grass and different speeds of greens to help you develop a better sense of control.


Active member
What are some good drills to help with the tempo and rhythm of the putting stroke?

One great drill to help with the tempo and rhythm of the putting stroke is to practice putting with your eyes closed. This allows players to focus on the tempo of the stroke without being distracted by the target. Additionally, try using a metronome to help maintain a consistent rhythm throughout the stroke. Finally, practice a drill known as the 'checkpoint drill' where you establish checkpoints throughout your backswing and follow through. This will help ensure a smooth, consistent tempo is maintained throughout the stroke.