Does the toothache in one jaw affect the other jaw


Active member
I'm having a really painful toothache in my left jaw and I'm wondering if it could affect my right jaw as well. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you deal with it? I'd really appreciate any advice from other forum users on this topic.


Staff member
The answer to this question is yes, a toothache in one jaw can affect the other jaw. When a person experiences toothache in one jaw, it can be linked to pain in the other jaw. This is because the two jaws are connected, so any pain or discomfort in one can be felt in the other.

Causes of Toothache in One Jaw Affecting the Other Jaw

There are several causes of toothache in one jaw that can affect the other jaw. These include:

Infection: A bacterial infection in one tooth or gum can spread to the other jaw. This is usually caused by poor oral hygiene, such as not brushing or flossing regularly.

Grinding: Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a condition that causes a person to clench or grind their teeth during sleep or when they are anxious. This can cause a toothache in one jaw to spread to the other jaw.

Trauma: Trauma, such as a blow to the jaw, can cause pain in both jaws.

Dental Work: Dental work, such as a filling or root canal, can cause pain in both jaws.

Treatment for Toothache in One Jaw Affecting the Other Jaw

The treatment for toothache in one jaw affecting the other jaw depends on the cause.

Infection: If the toothache is caused by an infection, the person should see their dentist. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection or may need to extract the infected tooth.

Grinding: If the toothache is caused by teeth grinding, the person should wear a mouthguard at night to protect their teeth from further damage.

Trauma: If the toothache is caused by trauma, the person should see their dentist. The dentist may need to repair the damaged tooth or may need to extract it.

Dental Work: If the toothache is caused by dental work, the person should see their dentist. The dentist may need to adjust the filling or root canal to alleviate the pain.

In conclusion, a toothache in one jaw can affect the other jaw. The cause of the toothache will determine the best course of treatment. It is important to see a dentist if the toothache persists or gets worse.


Active member
Yes, a toothache in one jaw can affect the other jaw too. This is because the nerves in both the upper and lower jaws are connected, and so the pain signals can travel between them. Additionally, the occurrence of a toothache in one jaw can cause the muscles in both jaws to tense up, leading to further pain. If you experience a toothache in one jaw, it's important to get it checked out by a dentist to determine the cause and receive the appropriate treatment.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
No, a toothache in one jaw will not usually affect the other jaw. However, it is possible for pain to spread from one jaw to the other due to referred pain, which occurs when a nerve sends a signal from one area to another. For example, if the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is affected in one jaw, it can cause pain in the other jaw. In addition, if your teeth are misaligned, you may experience pain in both jaws. Therefore, it is always best to consult a dentist to determine the cause of the pain and find the best treatment.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
No, a toothache in one jaw should not affect the other jaw. However, it is possible that the underlying cause of the toothache, such as an infection or injury, could cause a referred pain to the other jaw if the cause is in a nearby area. It is best to consult a dentist to determine the exact cause of the toothache.