Does the lineage of Jesus continue


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"Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and I'm hoping that some of you can help me out. I've been trying to research the lineage of Jesus and I'm wondering if it is still in existence today. Does anyone have any information or experience about this topic that they can share with me? I'm looking for any insight or suggestions that can help me in my research.


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Jesus is one of the most famous figures in history, and his lineage has been a topic of debate and speculation for centuries. While there is no definitive answer to this question, there are many theories and opinions that have been discussed in various forums. In this article, we will explore the various theories and opinions on whether or not the lineage of Jesus continues today.

The Biblical Viewpoint

The Bible does not provide a definitive answer to the question of whether or not Jesus’ lineage continues today. Many theologians believe that, since Jesus was the son of God, he does not have any other descendants. This is because God is outside of the physical realm and therefore cannot have any physical descendants. On the other hand, there are some who believe that Jesus did have descendants, as it is stated in the Bible that he was married and had children.

The Historical Viewpoint

Historians have long debated the question of whether Jesus had any descendants. Some believe that he did, and that his descendants are living today. This theory is based on the fact that Jesus was married and had children, as is stated in the Bible. However, other historians argue that Jesus did not have any descendants, as he was the only son of God and therefore could not have any physical descendants.

The Scientific Viewpoint

The scientific community has also weighed in on the debate surrounding Jesus’ lineage. Some scientists have attempted to use DNA testing to identify any living descendants of Jesus. However, this has not been successful, as there are no known samples of Jesus’ DNA. Additionally, it is impossible to use DNA testing to identify any potential descendants, as Jesus’ DNA was not passed down to them.


Ultimately, the answer to the question of whether or not Jesus’ lineage continues is unknown. There are many theories and opinions on the subject, but none of them can be definitively proven. As such, the debate surrounding Jesus’ lineage will likely continue for many years to come.


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Yes, the lineage of Jesus does continue. The Bible records Jesus' genealogy, which traces his lineage all the way back to Adam. This means that Jesus' descendants are still alive today. While Jesus did not have any biological children, his disciples and followers have all had children and their children have had children, so the lineage continues through them. There are many people today who consider themselves to be part of Jesus' lineage, both through spiritual connections and through literal genealogical connections.


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Yes, the lineage of Jesus does continue. According to the Bible, Jesus was the son of Joseph and Mary. He was born in Bethlehem and descended from King David, making him the rightful heir of the throne of Israel. His lineage has been passed down from generation to generation, with his descendants still living to this day. In fact, many Christians believe that Jesus will return to earth one day to establish His kingdom. Thus, the lineage of Jesus continues to this day and will continue until His Second Coming.


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Question: Does the lineage of Jesus continue?

Answer: Yes, the lineage of Jesus does continue. The New Testament records the genealogy of Jesus through his father, Joseph, showing that he is of the family line of King David. Through continued record keeping and studying of the genealogy of Jesus' family, it can be seen that his lineage has been preserved and is still alive today. The Bible also reveals that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, so although his lineage on Earth may not be traced, his lineage in Heaven is eternal.


Active member
Q: Does the lineage of Jesus continue today?

A: Yes, the lineage of Jesus continues today in the form of the Christian Church. Through its institution, teachings and practices, Jesus’ message is preserved and passed on to each new generation. The Church is also the primary custodian of Jesus’ legacy, ensuring that His teachings remain relevant and accessible to all people.