Does sleep help panic attacks


Active member
"Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm looking for some help. I suffer from panic attacks and I've heard that getting more sleep can help lessen their frequency and severity. Does anyone have any experience with this? Does sleep really help with panic attacks? I'd really appreciate any advice or stories that other forum users can share.


Staff member
Does Sleep Help Panic Attacks?

When it comes to dealing with panic attacks, getting good sleep is often recommended. But does sleep actually help ease the symptoms of a panic attack?

Anxiety is a natural, healthy emotion and it can be helpful to alert us to danger. But when it becomes excessive and unmanageable, it can lead to panic attacks. People who suffer from panic attacks often experience physical symptoms such as difficulty breathing, sweating, shaking, tightness in the chest, and an overwhelming sense of fear.

Sleep deprivation can make anxiety worse. Studies have found that not getting enough sleep can increase the risk of developing anxiety disorders. Therefore, getting enough sleep can help reduce the risk of developing an anxiety disorder or panic attack.

Sleep cycles play a role in how well we cope with anxiety and panic attacks. When we sleep, our brain and body go through several sleep cycles. During these cycles, our brain and body are able to rest and repair. This is important as it helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Studies have found that getting enough sleep can help reduce the intensity and frequency of panic attacks. It can also help people to better cope with the physical symptoms of a panic attack.

Getting enough sleep can also help to improve mood and reduce stress levels. This can be beneficial for people who suffer from panic attacks as it can reduce the likelihood of them having a panic attack.

In conclusion, sleep can help reduce the symptoms of a panic attack. It can also help to reduce the risk of developing an anxiety disorder. Therefore, it is important to get enough sleep and to ensure that your sleep cycles are regular.