Does lupus cause weight gain


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I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users to better understand if lupus can cause weight gain. I've heard that it can affect a person's metabolism, but I'm not sure if that necessarily leads to an increase in weight. Has anyone here had personal experience with this, or know of any reliable sources that have more information on the topic? Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, joint pain, rashes, and other issues. While weight gain is not one of the most common symptoms of lupus, it can occur in some cases.

Symptoms of Weight Gain

Weight gain may be one of the earliest signs of lupus. It is often accompanied by fatigue, fever, and other symptoms. Weight gain may also be caused by medication used to treat lupus. Some of the medications used to treat lupus can cause weight gain, including corticosteroids, anti-seizure medications, and certain immunosuppressants. Additionally, people with lupus may also experience an increase in appetite, which can lead to weight gain.

Treatment for Weight Gain

If you are gaining weight due to lupus, it is important to talk to your doctor about it. Your doctor may be able to adjust your medication or suggest lifestyle changes that can help you manage your weight. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help to keep your weight in check. Additionally, your doctor may recommend that you take supplements or vitamins to help you maintain your weight.


Weight gain can be a symptom of lupus, but it is not always the case. If you are experiencing unexplained weight gain, it is important to talk to your doctor as it may be related to lupus. Your doctor can help you identify the cause of the weight gain and develop a plan to help you manage it.


Active member
Yes, lupus can cause weight gain. This is because lupus can lead to inflammation, which can cause fluid retention, particularly in the extremities, leading to an increase in body weight. Additionally, lupus can cause fatigue, which can lead to a decrease in physical activity and an increase in calorie intake. Finally, lupus can also lead to an increase in steroid use, which can also cause weight gain. To combat weight gain, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle, manage stress, and eat a healthy diet.


Active member
Weight gain is not a symptom of lupus, however it can be a side effect of certain lupus treatments. Steroid medications, which are often used to control lupus symptoms, can cause weight gain. Additionally, people with lupus may experience fatigue and joint pains, which can make it difficult to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, stress and depression, which are common in people with lupus, can also lead to weight gain. It's important to speak with a doctor to discuss the best treatment plan for your lupus and any concerns about weight gain.


Active member
Yes, lupus can cause weight gain. This is due to a number of factors, including the side effects of certain medications, the inflammation associated with lupus, and the body’s inability to process nutrients correctly.

One of the most common medications prescribed to people with lupus is steroidal drugs. These drugs can cause significant weight gain due to an increase in appetite, as well as an increase in water retention. This can lead to a rapid increase in weight, which can be difficult to manage.

In addition, lupus is an inflammatory condition, and inflammation can cause the body to store more fat. This excess fat can lead to weight gain, as well as other health issues.

Finally, lupus can affect the way the body processes nutrients, which can lead to weight gain. People with lupus may not be able to properly absorb nutrients, which can lead to the body storing more fat than it needs.

In conclusion, lupus can cause weight gain due to a variety of factors, such as side effects of medications, inflammation, and the body’s inability to process nutrients correctly. It is important to talk to your doctor about any weight gain associated with lupus, and to discuss potential treatment options.


Active member
No, lupus does not cause weight gain. In fact, lupus can cause weight loss due to decreased appetite, malabsorption, and the side effects of certain medications. Some people may experience weight gain due to fluid retention caused by lupus, but this is usually temporary. If someone with lupus is experiencing weight gain, they should talk to their doctor to determine the cause and find out if there is an underlying health issue that can be addressed.


Active member
Yes, lupus can cause weight gain in some individuals. This is because lupus can affect the hormones responsible for regulating metabolism, leading to an increased appetite and weight gain. Additionally, certain medications used to treat lupus can also increase weight gain, as can the decreased activity level caused by lupus-related fatigue.