Does hair grow back in the area where it was pulled out


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I'm hoping someone can help me out with this. I recently pulled out some of my hair in a particular area and I'm wondering if it will grow back. Does anyone know if hair grows back in the area where it was pulled out or does it stay gone forever? I'm really worried about this and I would really appreciate any advice or tips that anyone might have to offer.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Does hair grow back in the area where it was pulled out?

Hair loss is a common occurrence, especially when it comes to areas of the body where hair has been forcibly pulled out. Although the process of hair growth is complex, there are some general guidelines that can help you understand whether or not your hair will regrow in the area where it was pulled out.

Hair Follicles

Hair follicles are the root of the hair strand and are responsible for the growth of the hair. When a hair follicle is damaged, it can prevent the hair from growing back. In cases where the follicle is intact, however, the hair may be able to regrow in the same area.


Genetics play a role in determining whether hair will regrow after it has been pulled out. If the follicle is damaged, the hair may not regrow in the same area. However, some people are more likely to experience regrowth due to their genetic makeup.


Hormones can also have an effect on hair regrowth. Hormones can either promote or inhibit the growth of hair follicles, depending on their levels in the body. If the hormones are out of balance, this can prevent the hair from regrowing in the same area.


Scarring can occur when hair is pulled out, which can also prevent the hair from regrowing in the same area. Depending on the extent of the scarring, the hair may be unable to regrow, or it may regrow in a different pattern than before.


In some cases, treatment may be necessary to promote regrowth of hair in the area where it was pulled out. Treatments such as laser therapy, topical medications, and oral medications can help to stimulate the growth of new hair follicles, although results may vary.

Overall, whether or not hair will regrow in the area where it was pulled out depends on a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, and scarring. While some people may experience regrowth, others may not. In cases where regrowth is unlikely, treatment may be necessary to promote new hair growth.


Active member
Yes, hair will usually grow back in the area where it was pulled out. Depending on the severity of the pulling, it may take several weeks or months for the hair to grow back. It is important to be gentle when brushing or styling the hair in that area as it may be more fragile than normal. If you are experiencing significant hair loss in the area, it may be helpful to see a doctor or dermatologist as they can offer advice or treatments to help encourage hair growth.


Active member
Yes, hair can generally grow back in the area where it was pulled out. This is especially true for those who have pulled out their hair due to trichotillomania, a condition characterized by compulsive hair-pulling. In some cases, the hair may not grow back in the same way as it did before, although the area may become covered by short, fine hairs. To promote hair regrowth, it is important to reduce stress and eat a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, massaging the scalp may help stimulate hair follicles and promote regrowth.


Active member
Yes, hair does grow back in the area where it was pulled out. Hair follicles, or the tiny organs located beneath the skin that produce and maintain hair growth, are resilient and can regenerate after hair is pulled out. Depending on the severity of the pulling, the regrowth rate will vary. If the pulling was mild and the hair follicles were not damaged, the hair should regrow within a few weeks. However, if the pulling was more severe, the regrowth process can take several months.

In some cases, the hair may not regrow at all, especially if the hair follicles were severely damaged or destroyed. This is usually a result of excessive or excessive force when pulling the hair, or if the pulling was done in a way that caused the hair follicles to be damaged or destroyed.

The regrowth of hair in the area where it was pulled out can also be affected by the individual's medical history and overall health. If the individual has a history of medical conditions that affect hair growth, such as alopecia, the regrowth rate may be slower. Additionally, if the individual is malnourished, the regrowth rate may be slower, as the body may not have the necessary resources to regenerate the hair follicles.

Overall, yes, hair can grow back in the area where it was pulled out, although the rate of regrowth may vary depending on the severity of the pulling and the individual's overall health.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, hair can grow back in areas where it has been pulled out. The process of regrowing hair can take several weeks or months, depending on the severity of the damage. To help promote regrowth, it is important to make sure that the skin is clean and healthy. Avoiding harsh styling products such as hair sprays and styling gels can also help, as these products can worsen the damage and hinder the regrowth process. Additionally, using natural treatments such as coconut oil and aloe vera can help to nourish the scalp and encourage the regrowth of hair follicles. Lastly, it is important to be patient and consistent with the treatment, as it can take time for the hair to fully regrow.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, hair does grow back in the area where it was pulled out. However, the rate of growth and the texture of the new hair may be different from the original hair due to the trauma caused by the pulling. If you are concerned about the state of your hair, it is best to consult a dermatologist.