Does exercise lower red blood cell count


Active member
I'm hoping someone on this forum can help me out with some information. I'm trying to learn more about how exercise affects red blood cell count. Does anyone have any ideas or insights about how exercise can lower red blood cell count? I'm just starting to learn about this topic, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Does Exercise Lower Red Blood Cell Count?

Red blood cells (RBCs) are an important part of the human body, responsible for transporting oxygen and other nutrients around the body. They are also responsible for removing carbon dioxide and other waste products. Their numbers can be affected by many factors, including exercise. Many people are curious to know if exercise can lower a person's red blood cell count.

What Are Red Blood Cells?

Red blood cells are the most abundant type of cell in the human body, comprising around 40-45% of the total blood volume. They are produced in the bone marrow and consist of a nucleus surrounded by hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen and other nutrients around the body. Red blood cells have a lifespan of around 120 days, after which they are destroyed and recycled by the body.

The Effects of Exercise on Red Blood Cells

It is well established that exercise can lead to an increase in red blood cell production. This is because exercise increases the demand for oxygen and other nutrients, which the body responds to by increasing the production of red blood cells. In fact, regular exercise has been shown to increase RBC production by up to 20%.

However, it is also possible for exercise to lead to a decrease in red blood cell count. This can occur if the exercise is too intense or if it is performed for too long. In these cases, the body may be unable to keep up with the demand for oxygen and other nutrients, leading to a decrease in RBC production.


In conclusion, exercise can have an effect on a person's red blood cell count. Regular exercise can lead to an increase in red blood cell production, while intense exercise or exercise that is performed for too long can lead to a decrease in red blood cell count. It is important to exercise at a level that is appropriate for your fitness level in order to avoid any potential decrease in red blood cell count.