Does consuming the same food cause allergies to become more severe


Active member
I'm hoping to get some advice from other forum users about this issue. I'm wondering if consuming the same food over and over again can cause allergies to become worse. Is this something that can happen, or is it just an urban myth? Has anyone here had any experience with this, or can provide any insights? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Subtitle: Does Consuming the Same Food Cause Allergy Severity to Increase?

Allergies are a common and sometimes severe condition that can affect all ages. Many people are unaware that consuming the same food can have an impact on the intensity of allergy symptoms. This article will address the question of whether consuming the same food can cause allergies to become more severe.

Immunology is the branch of medicine which studies the body’s immune system and its response to foreign substances. Allergies are an immune system reaction to a normally harmless substance. When a person is exposed to an allergen, their body releases histamines which cause the symptoms associated with allergies.

Sensitization is the process by which the body becomes more sensitive to an allergen over time. This can occur when a person is frequently exposed to a certain food. When the same food is consumed repeatedly, the body can become increasingly sensitive to the allergen, resulting in more severe allergy symptoms.

Cross-reactivity is a phenomenon in which the body’s immune system becomes sensitized to other allergens due to exposure to a specific allergen. For example, some people who are allergic to birch tree pollen may also have an allergic reaction to apples, due to the proteins in the pollen and the apple being similar.

Food Elimination Diets are often used to identify the source of a person’s allergies. This involves avoiding certain foods for a period of time and then reintroducing them one at a time to observe any reactions. If a person experiences an allergic reaction when reintroducing a certain food, this suggests that it could be the cause of their allergy.

In conclusion, consuming the same food can cause allergies to become more severe over time. This is due to the process of sensitization, as well as cross-reactivity with other allergens. Food elimination diets are a useful tool for identifying the source of an allergy.


Active member
Yes, consuming the same food can cause allergies to become more severe. This is due to a concept known as allergen-specific immune tolerance, which is when the body is exposed to small amounts of the allergen over time, causing the immune system to become more sensitive and thus more likely to react to the allergen in larger doses. This is why people with food allergies are often advised to avoid the allergen completely, as even small amounts can cause a reaction.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
No, consuming the same food does not necessarily cause allergies to become more severe. Allergies can worsen over time, but this is usually due to prolonged exposure to an allergen and not necessarily due to eating the same food. In some cases, the body can become desensitized to a particular allergen, meaning that consuming the same food may not lead to any exacerbation of symptoms. However, if an individual is already experiencing severe allergic reactions to a food, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming it again.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, consuming the same food can cause allergies to become more severe. This is called allergy sensitization and occurs when the body is exposed to an allergen multiple times. The body's immune system will become more sensitive to the allergen with each exposure, leading to increased symptoms and reactions.