Does a coma feel like regular sleep


Active member
I'm looking for some help understanding something. Does a coma feel like regular sleep? I know comas are a state of unconsciousness, but I'm wondering if there is any similarity between the two. Is a coma like deep sleep or an entirely different experience? Could someone please explain the differences between regular sleep and a coma? I'm hoping to get some insight from others who may have experienced a coma or have knowledge on the topic. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Coma is a state of unconsciousness where a person is unresponsive and unable to respond to their environment. It is usually caused by a severe injury, illness, or certain medications. While in a coma, a person cannot be awakened, and they show no response to pain or other stimuli.

What Does It Feel Like To Be In a Coma?

The experience of being in a coma is different from person to person. Generally, it is described as being in a deep sleep-like state with no dreams or other conscious awareness. Some people may be aware of their environment or have brief periods of wakefulness but are unable to respond.

What Are The Effects of a Coma?

The effects of a coma vary depending on the cause, duration, and any medical complications. The longer a person is in a coma, the more likely they are to experience long-term problems such as cognitive impairments, muscle weakness, and difficulty speaking. Some people may also experience fatigue, depression, and memory problems.

Does a Coma Feel Like Regular Sleep?

No, a coma does not feel like regular sleep. While in a coma, a person is completely unconscious and unaware of their environment. They are unable to respond to pain or other stimuli and may not remember anything when they wake up. In contrast, regular sleep is a natural, restorative state in which a person is conscious and aware of their environment.