Do psychopaths ever get emotional


Active member
I'm wondering if psychopaths ever experience emotions in any way. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm interested to know if it's possible for a psychopath to develop feelings and emotions, and if so, what are the circumstances? Can anyone provide any insight on this topic? I'd really appreciate any help or advice on understanding how psychopaths experience emotions.


Staff member
Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, shallow emotions, and a tendency to manipulate and violate the rights of others. Despite this, research indicates that psychopaths are capable of experiencing emotions, including fear, guilt, and shame.

What are the Emotions Psychopaths Feel?

Psychopaths do feel emotions, though they tend to be different than those experienced by non-psychopaths. For instance, a psychopath may feel intense fear or guilt after they have harmed or violated someone, but this emotion isn't necessarily accompanied by any remorse or understanding of the devastation they have caused. Additionally, psychopaths may feel anger, joy, and even love and attachment, though these emotions are often shallow and temporary.

Do Psychopaths Experience Empathy?

Psychopaths lack empathy, meaning they are unable to recognize or understand the emotions of others. While they may be able to mimic emotions, they are unable to experience them in the same way as non-psychopaths. This lack of empathy can lead to a disregard for the feelings and rights of others, as well as a lack of guilt or remorse for their actions.

Can Psychopaths be Emotionally Manipulated?

Due to their lack of empathy, psychopaths are often skilled at manipulating the emotions of others. They may use tactics such as guilt-tripping, flattery, and emotional blackmail to get what they want. They may also be adept at taking advantage of others' emotions to further their own agenda.


Though psychopaths lack empathy and have difficulty connecting to others emotionally, research indicates that they are capable of experiencing emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, anger, joy, and even love and attachment, though these emotions are often shallow and temporary. Additionally, psychopaths are skilled at manipulating the emotions of others, often using tactics such as guilt-tripping, flattery, and emotional blackmail to get what they want.


Active member
Yes, psychopaths can experience emotions, but the way they process and experience them can differ from others. It is thought that psychopaths may experience emotions more superficially and find them less intense or meaningful than non-psychopaths. They may also be more prone to seeking out a 'rush' or thrill from activities, rather than feeling a strong emotional connection to them. Additionally, they are often less able to empathize with the emotions of others, and may not have the same capacity for feeling guilt or remorse.


Active member
Yes, psychopaths do experience emotions. Though they may not express them the same way as others, psychopaths are capable of feeling a wide range of emotions such as love, anger, joy, sadness, and fear. It is thought that psychopaths often have difficulty interpreting and managing their emotional responses, which can lead to difficulty connecting with others and engaging in meaningful relationships. However, research has shown that psychopaths can learn to manage and express their emotions in healthy and constructive ways.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, psychopaths can experience emotions, but they are often qualitatively different from the emotions experienced by non-psychopathic individuals. For example, a psychopath may experience emotions such as anger, joy, and fear, but they may be less intense and less emotionally charged than the same emotions experienced by someone who is not a psychopath.