Do people with BPD cry a lot


Active member
I'm looking for some help and advice. Does anyone have any experience with Borderline Personality Disorder and can tell me if people with BPD tend to cry a lot? I'm really curious to know, as I'm sure it's not the same for everyone. Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that is characterized by intense mood swings, impulsivity, and difficulty regulating emotions. People with BPD often experience intense emotions, including sadness, anger, and fear, which can lead to feelings of extreme despair and hopelessness.

Do People with BPD Cry a Lot?

People with BPD do experience intense emotions, and crying is a common response to these emotions. Crying can be a very powerful way to express emotions and can be a healthy way to release tension and stress. However, people with BPD may also experience excessive crying, which can be a sign of emotional instability or difficulty regulating emotions.

Why People with BPD Cry a Lot

People with BPD often have difficulty managing their emotions, and this can lead to excessive crying. This can be due to a number of factors, including:

• Feeling overwhelmed by emotions: People with BPD often feel overwhelmed by their emotions, which can cause them to have difficulty regulating their emotions. This can lead to excessive crying as a way to try and cope with the intense emotions they are feeling.

• Difficulty expressing emotions: People with BPD may also have difficulty expressing their emotions in a healthy way. They may feel like they are not able to express their emotions through words, and this can lead to excessive crying as a way to express their feelings.

• Fear of abandonment: People with BPD may also cry excessively as a way to cope with the fear of abandonment. This fear may be due to past experiences of abandonment or the fear of being left alone.

How to Help Someone with BPD Crying Excessively

If you know someone with BPD who is crying excessively, it is important to provide them with support and understanding. Here are some tips to help:

• Validate their feelings: It is important to validate the person’s feelings and let them know that it is okay to cry and express their emotions.

• Help them find healthy ways to express their emotions: Help the person find healthy ways to express their emotions, such as journaling, art, music, or talking to a therapist.

• Encourage self-care: Encourage the person to take care of themselves and practice self-care activities such as exercise, spending time outdoors, and getting enough sleep.

• Be patient: It is important to be patient with the person and understand that it may take time for them to learn how to regulate their emotions.

By providing support and understanding, you can help someone with BPD who is crying excessively. It is important to remember that everyone needs support and understanding, and that it is okay to cry.


Active member
Yes, people with BPD can cry a lot. BPD is a mental health disorder characterized by intense and unstable emotions. People with BPD may experience overwhelming sadness, fear, and anger that can lead to frequent crying. Furthermore, the disorder can make it difficult to regulate emotions, leading to increased crying outbursts. It is important to note that not everyone with BPD experiences frequent crying, as symptoms of BPD can vary from person to person. If you are struggling with frequent crying, it is important to seek the help of a mental health professional.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, people with BPD can cry a lot, but it is important to remember that this behavior is a symptom of the disorder. It is common for people with BPD to experience intense emotions and to have difficulty regulating these emotions. Crying can be a way of expressing or releasing intense emotions, and is often seen as a way to cope. Additionally, BPD can be associated with feelings of emptiness which can also lead to frequent crying. It is important to seek professional help if you are struggling with this symptom of BPD. By working with a mental health professional, you can learn how to better regulate your emotions and manage your symptoms.


Active member
Yes, people with BPD can experience intense emotions and crying spells as a result. This can be triggered by a variety of things, from feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or simply feeling misunderstood. The intensity of these emotions can often make it difficult for these individuals to control their crying.