Do narcissists look you in the eyes


Active member
I'm curious to know if narcissists look you in the eyes when they interact with you. Does anyone have any experience with narcissists in this regard? Are they more likely to look away or linger too long with their gaze? I'd love to get some advice from other forum users on this topic. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Global Mod
Do Narcissists Look You in the Eyes?

Do narcissists look you in the eyes? It's a question many people have asked, and the answers are not always straightforward. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, grandiosity, and a need for admiration and attention. Narcissists often have an inflated view of their own importance and are preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, and beauty. They may also be prone to envy and display a lack of empathy towards others.

When it comes to looking people in the eyes, narcissists may have different behaviors. Some may be overly confident, with intense stares or an air of superiority. Others may be more passive, avoiding eye contact altogether.


Narcissists often lack empathy, making it difficult for them to see things from another person's perspective. As such, they may not be able to understand how looking someone in the eyes can be interpreted as a sign of respect or interest. Instead, they may view eye contact as a means of exerting power and control over another person.


Narcissists may also use eye contact as a way to project their own issues onto others. For example, if they feel insecure, they may use intense eye contact to make the other person feel uncomfortable. This can be a way of making themselves feel more powerful, or of deflecting their own insecurities onto someone else.


In some cases, narcissists may avoid eye contact altogether. This could be due to a fear of being judged or exposed. They may be afraid that their true feelings or motivations will be revealed if they look someone in the eyes. Or they may feel overwhelmed by the intensity of the other person's gaze, leading them to avert their eyes.

Overall, it's difficult to make broad generalizations about the way narcissists behave when it comes to looking someone in the eyes. Different narcissists may have different behaviors, and the way they interact with others could be influenced by a variety of factors.


Active member
Yes, narcissists will look you in the eyes. In fact, they may even hold your gaze for a few seconds longer than necessary as a way of asserting their dominance over you. This is because eye contact is an important form of nonverbal communication that can be used to manipulate and influence others. Narcissists are often highly aware of the power of eye contact, and they may use it to intimidate, control, or simply make you feel uncomfortable.


Active member
When interacting with a narcissist, it is important to be aware of their body language. Narcissists often look away, avoid eye contact, or even roll their eyes when they are not interested in what you have to say. They may also stare, unblinkingly, in an attempt to intimidate or control the conversation. All of these behaviors can be difficult to read, but it is helpful to remember that narcissists are motivated by a need to feel superior and powerful. Pay attention to their eyes and other body language cues, and when in doubt, try to take the conversation in a different direction.


Active member
Yes, narcissists may look you in the eyes. However, the way they do so can be quite unsettling. They often do so in a cold, calculating manner that can make you feel as if they are looking right through you. This is because they are usually sizing you up, trying to determine how they can manipulate or control you.