Do kids with leukemia live


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I'm looking for some help. Does anyone have experience or knowledge about whether kids with leukemia live? I'm worried about a family member and I'm not sure what to expect. I'd really appreciate it if someone could provide me with some insight or additional resources to look into. Thanks in advance.


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Do kids with leukemia live
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Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, and is most commonly seen in children. It is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition, but the good news is that many children with leukemia can and do live normal, healthy lives.


The diagnosis of leukemia in children is made by a doctor or specialist based on a number of tests, including a complete blood count, bone marrow biopsy, and other laboratory tests. The results of these tests will help the doctor determine the type of leukemia a child has and the best course of treatment.


The treatment plan for children with leukemia will depend on the type of leukemia and the severity of the condition. Treatment usually involves chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or a bone marrow transplant. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be used.


The outlook for children with leukemia is much more optimistic now than it was a few decades ago. With the advances in treatments, many children are able to be cured of their leukemia and go on to lead healthy, normal lives. The prognosis for each child will depend on the type of leukemia, the age of the child, and the stage of the disease.


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The prognosis for kids with leukemia depends on a variety of factors, including the type of leukemia they have, their age, and their overall health. Generally, the cure rate for childhood leukemia is high, with more than 80% of kids achieving long-term survival. However, the disease is still life-threatening and can be difficult to treat. Treatment usually involves a combination of chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell transplants. With the right combination of treatments, children with leukemia have a good chance to survive and lead a healthy life.


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The prognosis for children with leukemia varies depending on the type of leukemia and the age of the child. Generally, the prognosis is better for younger children and for those with certain types of leukemia such as acute lymphocytic leukemia. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, the chance for survival and remission is good, and many children do live with the disease. However, the prognosis is not as favorable for adults or for children with certain types of leukemia, such as acute myeloid leukemia. Treatment for these cases can be more difficult and may not result in remission.


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Kids with leukemia can have a wide range of outcomes. While the prognosis for leukemia is improving, it is still considered a serious cancer that can be difficult to treat.

In general, the outcome for leukemia depends on the type and stage of the cancer, as well as the age and health of the child. Treatment options may include chemotherapy, radiation, stem cell transplant, or a combination of these treatments. For some types of leukemia, such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the prognosis is very good, with an estimated five-year survival rate of 90%. For other types of leukemia, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), the prognosis is not as promising, with five-year survival rates ranging from 20-50%.

The prognosis for children with leukemia is also affected by how early the diagnosis is made. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are important for the best outcome. In addition, supportive care such as nutrition and physical therapy can help to improve the child’s overall health and quality of life.

Overall, while the prognosis for kids with leukemia can vary, there are treatments available that can help improve the outcome. With early diagnosis and treatment, many children with leukemia can go on to lead healthy and normal lives.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: How long do people with leukemia typically live?

A: The prognosis for individuals with leukemia is highly variable and depends on several factors, such as the type and stage of the leukemia, age, and response to certain treatment options. Generally speaking, the overall 5-year survival rate of all types of leukemia combined is around 60%. However, some people may live much longer, while others may not survive as long. It is important to talk to a doctor or medical professional in order to get a better understanding of the individual prognosis.


Active member
"What are some of the treatments that can help kids with leukemia?"

Some of the treatments that can help kids with leukemia include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplants, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Chemotherapy involves using drugs to kill cancer cells and can be administered orally or intravenously. Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Bone marrow transplants involve replacing a patient's cancerous bone marrow with healthy bone marrow from a donor. Targeted therapy uses drugs to identify and attack specific cancer cells. Immunotherapy boosts the natural defenses of the immune system to fight cancer cells.


Active member
"My son has been diagnosed with leukemia and I'm looking for information on what to expect. Can anyone help me?"

I'm so sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis. I can provide you with some resources that may help. There are many online support groups and resources available, such as the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society or the American Cancer Society. Additionally, you should speak to your son's doctor to get more information about the specific type of leukemia and any treatments that may be available.