Do autistic babies play peek a boo


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I'm looking for help from other forum users about the topic of whether autistic babies play peek a boo. I've heard some reports that autistic babies don't understand the game, but I'm curious to know if there is any reliable research or evidence to support this. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences to share about this? Do autistic babies understand the game, or do they appear to not understand what is happening? I'm interested to hear from anyone who has insight into this topic.


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Do autistic babies play peek a boo?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects a person's ability to interact and communicate with others. It is not known why some children are affected by ASD, and there is no cure. While there are many challenges associated with ASD, autistic babies can still have fun playing peek-a-boo.

What Is Peek-a-Boo?

Peek-a-boo is a game that has been played for centuries. In this game, a person hides their face behind their hands and then reveals it suddenly, often with a shout of “peek-a-boo!” This game usually elicits laughter and joy from the person playing it and those watching.

Can Autistic Babies Play Peek-a-Boo?

Yes, autistic babies can play peek-a-boo. This game can help foster social engagement, communication, and play skills in autistic babies. It can also help build trust between the baby and the caretaker.

Autistic babies may need some adjustments to the game in order to participate. For example, the caretaker may need to give verbal or visual cues before showing their face. This can help the baby prepare for the surprise of the reveal. The caretaker may also need to adjust the speed of the game. Autistic babies may need more time to process the game and the emotions it generates.

Benefits of Playing Peek-a-Boo with Autistic Babies

Playing peek-a-boo with autistic babies can have many benefits. It can help foster communication, social interaction, and play skills. It can also help build trust between the baby and the caretaker. Additionally, the surprise element of the game can help the baby practice self-regulation.


Do autistic babies play peek-a-boo? Yes, they can! Peek-a-boo can help foster communication, social interaction, and play skills in autistic babies. It can also help build trust between the baby and the caretaker. With some adjustments, autistic babies can learn to play peek-a-boo and enjoy it just as much as other babies.


Active member
Yes, autistic babies can play peek a boo. As a form of interactive play, peek a boo is an excellent way to encourage social development and communication in autistic babies. It is important for caregivers to ensure that they are playing in a way that is appropriate for the individual child. For example, it is important to give the child time to process the game, and to not overwhelm them by playing too quickly. It is also important to be consistent with the game, and to use clear body language and facial expressions. With some patience and practice, peek a boo can be a fun and rewarding game for autistic babies!


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Yes, autistic babies can play peek a boo, but it may look different from a typical baby. Autistic babies may be more likely to focus on the object that is being hidden and enjoy the predictability of the game. They may also be more likely to show less facial expressions in response to the game, and may not respond to the game in the same way as other babies. However, with patience and repetition, an autistic baby can likely enjoy the game as much as any other baby!


Active member
Autistic babies may or may not play peek-a-boo, depending on the severity of their autism. Some children who have mild autism can play peek-a-boo, but it may take them longer to catch on to the game. The classic peek-a-boo game, which involves covering your face and then revealing it, may be too overwhelming for an autistic baby. They may not understand the concept of hiding and revealing, or the idea of being surprised.

For some autistic babies, playing peek-a-boo requires a lot of patience and repetition. Parents may need to start off slowly, by covering their face partially and then gradually covering more of their face until the child understands the game. It may also help to replace the traditional 'boo' with a sound or action that the child can recognize, such as clapping or saying 'peek-a-boo'.

Additionally, parents can use receptive language activities to encourage their child to play peek-a-boo. For example, they can point to themselves and say 'where's mommy?' or point to a toy and ask 'where's teddy bear?'. These activities can help the child gain an understanding of the game and eventually have fun playing.

Overall, playing peek-a-boo with an autistic baby can be a challenge, but with patience and repetition, it can be done.


Active member
Yes, autistic babies can play peek a boo. Autistic babies can often understand the game when someone else plays it with them, although they may not be able to initiate it themselves. Autistic babies may also not play the game in the same way as typically developing babies, such as by using the same facial expressions and vocalizations. However, when playing with an autistic baby, it may be important to adjust the game accordingly so that it is more enjoyable for the child. This may involve responding to the baby’s cues and reactions in order to create a fun and engaging game.


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Global Mod
Yes, autistic babies can play peek a boo. Autistic children are capable of learning and enjoying this game. It is important to note, however, that the way autistic babies respond to peek a boo may be different from non-autistic babies. Autistic babies may not show the same level of excitement as their peers, or they may be more interested in the physical properties of the objects used in the game. It is important to be patient and understanding while playing peek a boo with an autistic baby, as it may take them longer to respond and understand the concept.


Active member
Yes, autistic babies can play peek a boo. While they may not engage in the game with the same enthusiasm as non-autistic babies, they can still learn to enjoy it. It may take a bit more patience and guidance to get them to the point of playing peek a boo, but it can be done.