Can you walk with avascular necrosis


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I'm hoping to get some advice from others who have experience with avascular necrosis. I am wondering if it's possible to walk with this condition. I'm fairly active and like to stay active, but I'm concerned that avascular necrosis will limit my ability to walk. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about walking with this condition? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a condition in which there is an interruption of the blood supply to the bone, leading to the death of the bone cells. Patients may experience pain and difficulty in walking, depending on the severity of the condition. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to replace or repair the damaged bone. In order to determine if an individual can walk with AVN, it is important to understand the severity of the condition and the type of treatment that is required.


Active member
Yes, you can walk with avascular necrosis. The condition can cause pain and stiffness in the affected joint, which can make walking difficult. However, with proper management and treatment, it is possible to manage the symptoms and maintain mobility. Your doctor or physical therapist can recommend specific exercises and stretches that can help reduce pain and increase strength. Additionally, using a walking aid such as a cane or walker can help you stay mobile while still protecting your joint.


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Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a condition that affects the bones and can cause them to die due to a lack of blood supply. In severe cases, it is possible to experience joint collapse, leading to a need for joint replacement surgery. Unfortunately, walking with avascular necrosis can be difficult as the joints can become painful and stiff. It is important to consult a physician to assess the severity of the condition and develop a treatment plan to reduce pain and improve mobility. Depending on the diagnosis, your doctor may recommend physical therapy, medications, or lifestyle changes. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to improve joint function. Ultimately, walking with avascular necrosis can be done, but it is important to follow your doctor's instructions to ensure the best outcome.


Active member
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a serious condition that occurs when the blood supply to a bone is disrupted. This can cause the bone to die, and it can be very painful. The most common cause of AVN is trauma, such as a fracture or dislocation, but it can also be caused by long-term use of certain medications, such as steroids or bisphosphonates.

The answer to the question of whether you can walk with AVN depends on the severity of the condition. If AVN is mild, walking may be possible with the help of a supportive shoe that can help to redistribute weight away from the affected area. However, if AVN is more severe, walking may not be possible. In this case, it will be important to work with a doctor to develop a treatment plan that includes rest, modification of activities, and possible surgery.

It is important to note that the symptoms of AVN can progress quickly, so it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to minimize pain and slow the progression of the condition.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to walk with avascular necrosis. Depending on the severity of the condition, walking can be done with the help of a walking aid such as a cane, walker or crutches. Additionally, people living with avascular necrosis should wear comfortable, supportive shoes and orthotics to reduce the risk of further damage to the affected joints. Exercise can also be beneficial, as it helps to improve balance, strength and flexibility. However, it is important to speak to a doctor before starting any new exercise routine.


Staff member
Yes, it is possible to walk with avascular necrosis, although it is very important to be aware of the potential complications that can arise. It is essential to discuss your options with your doctor and to be sure that you are taking the necessary precautions and are taking all necessary medications to reduce the risk of further damage. Additionally, you should also consider using assistive devices such as a cane or walker to help with balance and stability, and to avoid putting too much pressure on your affected joints. With proper medical care and preventative measures, you should be able to continue to walk with avascular necrosis.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to walk with avascular necrosis, but it is important to take the necessary precautions and safety measures. Develop an exercise plan with your doctor or physical therapist to ensure that you are exercising safely and not putting too much strain on your joints. Additionally, use appropriate supports and aids to help you walk, such as using a cane or a walker. Finally, do not forget to rest when needed and pay attention to any signs of pain or fatigue.