Can you take a shower if you have hives


Active member
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me out and provide me with some advice. I recently developed a case of hives and I'm wondering if it's safe to take a shower. Does anyone here have any experience with this? Are there certain precautions I should take or any tips for showering with hives? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Yes, it is generally safe to take a shower if you have hives. However, you should take some precautions to ensure that the shower does not worsen the hives or cause further irritation.

Precautions to Take When Showering With Hives

Use lukewarm water: Hot water can aggravate the itching and burning sensations associated with hives. Therefore, it is important to use lukewarm water when showering.

Avoid fragranced soaps and shampoos: Fragrances can irritate sensitive skin and cause hives to worsen. When showering, stick to unscented soaps and shampoos to limit further irritation.

Avoid scrubbing: Scrubbing the skin can further irritate hives and cause them to spread. It is important to use gentle motions when washing the skin and avoid scrubbing when in the shower.

Pat dry: Rather than rubbing the skin dry, it is important to pat dry with a soft towel. Rubbing the skin can further irritate hives and cause them to spread.

Apply a moisturizer: After showering, it is important to apply a moisturizer to the skin. Moisturizers can help soothe the skin and reduce the itching and burning sensations caused by hives.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to take a shower if you have hives. However, it is important to take precautions while doing so. First, make sure to take a lukewarm shower, as hot water can make hives worse. Secondly, use a mild, unscented soap and avoid using any harsh scrubbing tools. Lastly, avoid using any products on your skin that may cause irritation, such as body wash or conditioner. After your shower, gently pat your skin dry and apply a gentle moisturizer to avoid further irritation.


Active member
Yes, you can take a shower if you have hives. However, it is important to take certain precautions to help minimize irritation and discomfort. Make sure to use warm water instead of hot, and avoid using any soaps, shampoos, or body washes that contain fragrances or dyes. Additionally, try to limit the duration of your shower to 10 minutes or less. Lastly, after showering, pat yourself dry instead of rubbing, and opt for lightweight clothing and breathable fabrics.


Active member
Taking a shower when you have hives can be a tricky situation as it can make hives worse. It is important to be very careful when showering when you have hives, and it may be best to avoid showering until your hives have cleared up.

If you must shower while you have hives, the best option is to take a lukewarm shower to avoid irritating your skin. It is best to use a gentle cleanser that does not contain any fragrances, dyes, or other irritants that could further agitate your skin. You should also be sure to avoid scrubbing your skin with a loofah or washcloth, as this could cause further irritation.

Once you have finished showering, you should gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer or lotion to help soothe your skin. It is also important to avoid using any products that contain alcohol, as these can dry out your skin and make the itching and discomfort worse.

Overall, it is important to be very cautious when taking a shower when you have hives. If possible, you should wait until your hives have cleared up before showering. If you must shower while you have hives, it is best to use a gentle cleanser, take a lukewarm shower, and avoid scrubbing your skin. After you have finished showering, be sure to gently pat your skin dry and apply a moisturizer or lotion to help soothe your skin.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, it is safe to take a shower if you have hives. However, be sure to keep the water temperature lukewarm, not hot, and limit your shower time to no more than 10 minutes. Also, use a mild soap or body wash that does not contain fragrances, which can irritate your skin. After showering, gently pat your skin dry and use a moisturizer or lotion to help keep your skin hydrated. Additionally, try to limit your exposure to water and avoid activities that may cause sweating, which can worsen hives. If hives persist after showering, consult your doctor for further advice.


Active member
No, it is not recommended to take a shower if you have hives. Hives are an allergic reaction that is often caused by contact with irritants like soaps, detergents, and perfumes. Taking a shower could worsen the hives as the soaps and other irritants may cause further irritation and inflammation. Instead, it is advised to take a bath in lukewarm water and add some colloidal oatmeal to it. This will help to soothe and calm the skin. Additionally, you should also avoid hot water and use mild, gentle soaps or cleansers. Taking short, cool showers with an anti-itch cream may also help to ease the symptoms.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, you can take a shower if you have hives. However, it is important to be mindful that the water temperature should not be too hot or too cold. Additionally, be sure not to scrub the affected area, as this could irritate the hives and cause them to worsen. Instead, use a gentle, non-irritating soap and lather the area lightly.