Can you have a positive test result for an autoimmune disease


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I'm looking for advice from anyone who has had a positive test result for an autoimmune disease. Has anyone gone through this or know someone who has? I'm interested to hear about what the process was like and the steps you took afterwards. Any advice or information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Cevap: Evet, otomatik olarak savunma sistemi hastalıkları için pozitif test sonuçları alınabilir. Bu hastalıklar, vücudun sağlıklı hücrelerine karşı savunma sistemi tarafından saldırıya uğrayan hücreleri üretmesine neden olur. Bu hastalıklar arasında lupus, sarkoidoz, multipl skleroz, artrit ve tiroit bez hastalıkları bulunur. Otomatik olarak savunma sistemi hastalıklarının teşhisi, kan testleri, X ışınları, MR veya CT taramalarıyla yapılabilir. Pozitif bir test sonucu, o hastalık için antikorların var olduğunu gösterir.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to have a positive test result for an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body's immune system attacks healthy cells or tissue, mistaking them as foreign or dangerous. Diagnostic tests can be used to detect the presence of antibodies which are produced when an autoimmune disease is present, leading to a positive test result. However, it is also important to note that a positive result does not necessarily mean that you have the disease - further tests and examinations may be necessary to determine a diagnosis.


Staff member
Q: Is it possible to have a positive test result for an autoimmune disease and not have the disease?

A: Yes, it is possible to have a positive test result for an autoimmune disease and not have the disease. This is because many autoimmune diseases have similar symptoms and can cause false positive results. Additionally, some autoimmune diseases can be in remission or have very mild symptoms that may not be detected by a test, resulting in a false positive. It is important to discuss the results of any test with your physician to confirm a diagnosis and receive the best treatment.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod

Yes, it is possible to have a positive test result for an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are caused by your immune system attacking your own cells and tissues, and can be detected through a variety of tests, including blood tests, imaging tests, and biopsies. If any of these tests come back positive, it is likely that you have an autoimmune disorder.