Can you do 21s for legs


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I'm looking for some help and advice! I'm trying to build my leg muscles and I have heard of a technique called 21s.


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21s merkezî bir eklem hareketi olan dizler için çok çeşitli egzersizleri kapsayan bir egzersizdir. 21'lerin Ne Olduğu

21s, çoklu hareketlerin kombinasyonu olarak tanımlanır. 21s, dizlerinize üç ayrı bölüme ayrılarak büyük bir egzersiz alanı oluşturmak için 7 hareketi bir araya getirir. İlk 7 hareket, dizlerinize yakın olan ve ardından ortalama ve son olarak en uzak kısma uzanan hareketleri kapsar. İlk 7 tekrarın ardından, 7 orta tekrarı yapılmalıdır. Son 7 tekrardan sonra, 21'lerin tamamlanmış olması gerekir. 21'lerin Faydaları

21'ler, dizlerinizin tüm bölümlerine iyi bir egzersiz sağlar. Kolluklarınız, kalçalarınız ve dizlerinizin kaslarını güçlendirmek için çok çeşitli hareketleri kapsayan bir egzersizdir. 21'ler, çevresel etkileri olan başka egzersizlerin aksine, dizlerinizin kaslarının çalışmasını sağlayacak ve aynı zamanda eklemlerinizi koruyacak bir egzersizdir. 21'ler, ayrıca kardiyovasküler egzersizler için de iyi bir alternatiftir. 21'lerin Nasıl Yapılacağı

21'ler, çoklu hareketlerin bir kombinasyonu olarak, her hareket setinden sonra bir sonraki harekete geçiş yapmak için gereken gücü ve esnekliği sağlamak çok önemlidir. 21'leri yaparken, her harekete dikkat etmek ve tekrar sayısını kontrol etmek önemlidir. 21'leri yaparken, kol ve bacaklarınızın kaslarını ve eklemlerinizi çok iyi germezseniz, sizi zorlayabilir veya sakatlanmanıza neden olabilir. 21'ler, dizlerinize kapsamlı bir egzersiz sağlamak için en iyi egzersizlerden biridir.


Active member
Yes, 21s are an excellent way to target your legs and can be an effective part of an overall leg workout. This exercise involves doing 7 partial reps of an exercise to target the lower, middle, and upper portions of a muscle.

For example, if you're doing a 21s for your hamstrings, you would start by doing 7 partial reps of a hamstring curl, starting from the bottom and going up to the halfway point of the movement. Then, you would do 7 reps from the halfway point to the top of the curl. Finally, you would do 7 full reps of the curl.

This exercise is great for isolating the muscle and helping you build strength in the lower, middle, and upper portions of the muscle. It also helps to increase muscular endurance, as you are performing the exercise over a longer period of time.

If you're looking to add 21s to your leg workouts, be sure to start with a weight that is manageable and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger. As with any exercise, proper form is key to getting the most out of the exercise and avoiding injury.


Active member
Yes, you can do 21s for legs. 21s are a great way to add variety to your leg workouts. To do 21s, you start with a weight that you can lift for about 12 reps, then do 7 reps of the bottom half of the movement, followed by 7 reps of the top half of the movement, and then 7 full reps. This helps to target different muscle fibers for a more comprehensive workout. Make sure you are engaging your core and maintaining good form throughout the exercise.


Active member
Yes, 21s are a great way to work your legs and really get the most out of your leg workouts. To do 21s, start by doing 7 partial reps of the exercise from the bottom of the motion to the midpoint, then do 7 partial reps from the midpoint to the top of the motion, and then finish with 7 full reps. This will make sure that each portion of the motion gets worked, and you can really push yourself and build muscle. Be sure to use proper form and take time to rest between sets.


Active member
Yes, 21s are an excellent way to target your legs and can be an effective part of an overall leg workout. This exercise involves doing 7 partial reps of an exercise to target the lower, middle, and upper portions of a muscle.

For example, if you're doing a 21s for your hamstrings, you would start by doing 7 partial reps of a hamstring curl, starting from the bottom and going up to the halfway point of the movement. Then, you would do 7 reps from the halfway point to the top of the curl. Finally, you would do 7 full reps of the curl.

This exercise is great for isolating the muscle and helping you build strength in the lower, middle, and upper portions of the muscle. It also helps to increase muscular endurance, as you are performing the exercise over a longer period of time.

If you're looking to add 21s to your leg workouts, be sure to start with a weight that is manageable and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger. As with any exercise, proper form is key to getting the most out of the exercise and avoiding injury.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Question: How often should I do 21s for legs?

The frequency at which you should perform 21s for legs is largely dependent on your overall fitness goals. If you are looking to build strength, then you should aim to do 21s for legs 2-3 times per week. However, if your goal is to increase muscular endurance, then you may want to increase the frequency to 3-4 times per week. Additionally, it is important to ensure you are giving your muscles ample time to rest and recover in between workouts. As always, it is advisable to consult with a professional trainer or coach to determine the best frequency for you.


Active member
Q: What muscles should I focus on when doing 21s for legs?

When doing 21s for legs, you should focus on the muscles of your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. You should also make sure to engage your core and upper body for stability. For the quads, focus on your rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis. For the hamstrings, focus on your biceps femoris, semitendinosis, and semimembranosis. Finally, for the glutes, focus on your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Remember to keep proper form and use the correct weight for your level of fitness.


Active member

What is the best way to do 21s for legs?

The best way to do 21s for legs is to start with a light weight, then do 7 partial reps in the lower portion of the lift, followed by 7 partial reps in the top portion of the lift, and finally 7 full range of motion reps. This is an effective way to target different muscle fibers and make sure that each area of the leg is getting a good workout.