Can you be an alcoholic and never get drunk


Active member
I'm trying to understand if it's possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. I'm asking because I have a friend who drinks a lot but never gets drunk, and I'm worried that they may be an alcoholic and I'm not sure how to help them. I'm hoping to get advice from other forum users on this topic, so please share your experiences and opinions.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. What is an Alcoholic?

An alcoholic is someone who has a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disorder, where an individual feels a compulsive need to consume alcohol and experiences withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking.

Can an Alcoholic Never Get Drunk?

Yes, it is possible for an alcoholic to never get drunk. This is because alcoholics often develop a tolerance to alcohol over time, meaning they need to ingest more alcohol to achieve the same effect as a non-alcoholic. As a result, an alcoholic can consume large amounts of alcohol without becoming intoxicated.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. However, this is a dangerous situation, as it can lead to long-term health problems.

Alcoholism is more than just drinking a lot. It is a mental disorder that involves compulsive drinking, an inability to stop drinking, and an increased tolerance for alcohol. Even if an alcoholic does not get drunk, they are still consuming large amounts of alcohol, which can have a damaging effect on their body.

Heavy drinking can cause a variety of physical and mental health problems, such as cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Alcoholism also affects relationships, as it can lead to arguments, violence, and neglect. In severe cases, it can even lead to death.

In order to prevent these problems, it is important for alcoholics to seek help. Treatment programs can help them to reduce their drinking and to develop healthier coping mechanisms. Alcoholics can also benefit from attending support groups and therapy.

In conclusion, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. However, this is a dangerous situation, as it increases the risk of serious physical and mental health problems. Therefore, it is important for alcoholics to seek help in order to reduce their drinking and to stay healthy.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. Alcoholism is a chronic disorder that can develop over time, even if someone does not experience the effects of alcohol. Someone can become dependent on alcohol without ever getting drunk. Alcoholism is characterized by cravings, physical dependence, and continued use, even when it is having a negative impact on life. It is important to seek professional help if you feel you may be developing an addiction to alcohol, even if you have not experienced getting drunk.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to be an alcoholic without ever getting drunk. Alcohol addiction is not only based on how much you drink, but also on how it affects your physical and mental health. People can become addicted to alcohol without ever experiencing the effects of being drunk, as the addiction is based on the compulsion to drink, rather than the effects of the alcohol itself. Additionally, some people may never even reach the legal limit of intoxication, but still be considered addicted to alcohol.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. However, this is a dangerous situation, as it can lead to long-term health problems.

Alcoholism is more than just drinking a lot. It is a mental disorder that involves compulsive drinking, an inability to stop drinking, and an increased tolerance for alcohol. Even if an alcoholic does not get drunk, they are still consuming large amounts of alcohol, which can have a damaging effect on their body.

Heavy drinking can cause a variety of physical and mental health problems, such as cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Alcoholism also affects relationships, as it can lead to arguments, violence, and neglect. In severe cases, it can even lead to death.

In order to prevent these problems, it is important for alcoholics to seek help. Treatment programs can help them to reduce their drinking and to develop healthier coping mechanisms. Alcoholics can also benefit from attending support groups and therapy.

In conclusion, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. However, this is a dangerous situation, as it increases the risk of serious physical and mental health problems. Therefore, it is important for alcoholics to seek help in order to reduce their drinking and to stay healthy.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
"I've been drinking for a few months now and I'm starting to worry that I'm becoming an alcoholic. Is there a way to tell?"

Yes, there are several ways to tell if you are becoming an alcoholic. Firstly, consider if you are drinking to the point of intoxication more than a few times a week. If so, this could be indicative of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Additionally, consider if you find that you cannot stop drinking once you start, or if you are drinking to cope with stress or other difficult emotions. Finally, if you find that your drinking is causing problems in your relationships, work, or other aspects of your life, then it is likely that you are struggling with an alcohol use disorder. If you think that any of these criteria may apply to you, it is important to reach out for help as soon as possible.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: Can you be an alcoholic and never get drunk?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to be an alcoholic and never get drunk. Some individuals may have a high tolerance to alcohol, which allows them to consume large amounts of alcohol without feeling the effects of intoxication. Additionally, some people may drink heavily and often, but never quite reach the point of drunkenness due to their body's ability to metabolize alcohol at a rapid rate. It is important to remember that an individual can still be an alcoholic, even if they never get drunk. Alcoholism is a progressive, chronic illness that can lead to severe physical and psychological health problems. Therefore, it is important to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol use disorder.


Active member
"Can someone be an alcoholic and never get drunk?"

Yes, someone can be an alcoholic and never get drunk. Alcoholism is a chronic condition characterized by physical and psychological dependence on alcohol, regardless of whether or not an individual experiences any drunkenness or intoxication. Therefore, an individual can have an alcohol use disorder without ever getting drunk.