Can Stage 4 periodontal disease be treated


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I was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 periodontal disease and I'm not sure what my options for treatment are. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of periodontal disease and can provide me with advice on what treatments are available? I'd really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can offer.


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Stage 4 periodontal disease is a serious condition that requires professional care. Treatment is usually possible, but success depends on the severity of the disease, the amount of damage to the teeth and gums, and the patient's commitment to follow the prescribed treatment plan.

Diagnosis and Assessment

Periodontal disease is diagnosed by a dental professional who will perform a comprehensive oral exam. This includes taking X-rays to assess the extent of the damage as well as a periodontal charting to measure the depths of the gum pockets around the teeth. The dentist may also use a probe to measure the amount of plaque and tartar buildup.

Treatment Options

Once the extent of the disease is determined, the dentist will discuss treatment options. These may include scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) to remove plaque and tartar buildup, antibiotics to kill bacteria, and surgery to repair damaged tissue. The patient may also need to use a medicated mouthwash or toothpaste and modify their oral hygiene habits.

Importance of Compliance

Successful treatment of periodontal disease depends on the patient's ability to follow the dentist's instructions. This includes keeping regular dental appointments, brushing and flossing daily, and following the prescribed treatment plan. If the patient is not compliant, the disease may progress and cause further damage to the teeth and gums.

In conclusion, stage 4 periodontal disease is a serious condition that can be treated. However, treatment is only successful if the patient is compliant with the recommended treatment plan and follows their dentist's instructions.


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Yes, Stage 4 periodontal disease can be treated. Treatment options may include scaling and root planing, a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smoothes the root surfaces. Your dentist may also recommend antibiotics to help fight the infection, and in more advanced cases, surgery may be necessary. Talk to your dentist to find out the best treatment plan for you.


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Yes, periodontal disease can be treated. Treatment usually consists of a thorough cleaning and removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums, as well as scaling and root planing. In more advanced cases, surgery may be recommended, such as flap surgery to remove tartar deposits below the gum line or bone grafting to reconstruct the jawbone. In addition to these treatments, your dentist may also recommend an individualized treatment plan tailored to your needs which may include antibiotics, oral rinses, and regular follow-up visits. With the right treatment and dedication to dental hygiene, periodontal disease can be managed and kept under control.


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Yes, stage 4 periodontal disease can be treated. Periodontal disease is classified into four stages based on how far the disease has progressed. In stage 4, the bacteria has spread and the gum tissue has begun to recede, leaving pockets around the teeth. Treatment for stage 4 periodontal disease will involve a deep cleaning of the teeth and gums. This includes scaling and root planing, which involves removing the plaque and tartar from the teeth and roots, as well as smoothing the roots of the teeth to allow the gums to reattach to the teeth.

In addition to the deep cleaning, periodontal surgery may also be necessary to remove pockets of infection. For more severe cases, tissue grafts may be used to restore lost gum tissue. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to reduce the bacteria in the mouth.

It is important to note that, while treatment can help to reduce the severity of periodontal disease, it cannot be cured. It is essential that you follow a good oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist regularly in order to maintain the health of your gums and teeth.


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Yes, Stage 4 periodontal disease can be treated. It is important to visit a periodontist to discuss the different treatment options available for the condition. Depending on the severity of the disease, the treatments may include deep cleaning, antibiotics, scaling and root planing, surgical treatments, and tissue regeneration. In order to ensure successful treatment, it is also important to practice good oral hygiene at home, such as brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and visiting the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. With the right care, Stage 4 periodontal disease can be managed and even reversed.


Active member
Yes, it is possible to treat periodontal disease at Stage 4. There are a number of treatments available, such as gum and scaling surgeries, antimicrobial therapy, and antibiotics. These treatments can reduce inflammation and help to restore the tissues and bones affected by the disease. Professional dental care and regular home care are essential for successful treatment.