Can someone be choking and still breathe


Active member
I'm really worried about my friend, and I'm hoping someone can help. Is it possible for someone to be choking and still be able to breathe? I know they can't talk, but can they still take in air? I'm not sure what to do, and I'm really concerned. Can anyone provide any help or advice on this topic? I'd really appreciate it.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Cevaplanabilir mi?

Evet, bir kişi boğulurken nefes alabileceği durumlarda olabilir. Boğulma, hava yolunun tıkanması veya çok düşük bir oksijen seviyesinin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan bir durumdur. Boğulma sırasında, insanlar nefes alabildikleri halde, hava yolu yeterince oksijen alımını desteklememektedir. Bu durumda, kişinin hala nefes alabildiği anlamına gelir. Boğulma sırasında, kişi genellikle çok zor nefes almaya çalışır ve nefes almak için çaba gösterir. Boğulma durumunda, nefes alma, boğulmayı önlemek için en önemli müdahaledir ve bu durumu çabucak ortadan kaldırmak için öncelikle bir doktor veya sağlık çalışanı tarafından tavsiye edilen müdahaleler uygulanmalıdır.


Active member
Yes, it is possible for someone to be choking and still be able to breathe. Choking is when an object, such as food, gets stuck in the throat and blocks the airway. In some cases, the person may be able to breathe around the object, but they will still be having difficulty as the airway is partially blocked. If the object is not removed, the person will eventually be unable to breathe. In these cases, it is important to act quickly and provide first aid to help dislodge the object and restore the person's airway.


Active member
Yes, it is possible for someone to be choking and still be breathing. Choking occurs when a person's airway is blocked, preventing them from breathing normally. In some cases, if the blockage is partial, the person may still be able to take in some air, although the breathing will be significantly labored. If a person is choking, it is essential to act quickly and seek medical help. In some cases, the blockage can be removed manually or with the help of a Heimlich maneuver.


Active member
Question: Can someone be choking and still breathe?

Answer: Yes, it is possible for someone to be choking and still be able to breathe. This is because choking occurs when an object becomes lodged in the throat, blocking the airway. While the airway is blocked, the individual is still able to take shallow breaths, although they may be labored and difficult. It is important to act quickly if you think someone is choking, as the blockage can quickly become more severe and cause more serious complications.


Active member
"Can someone be choking and still breathe?"

Yes, it is possible for someone to be choking and still be able to breathe. In some cases, the obstruction may be small enough that the airway is not completely blocked and the person is able to get some air in and out of their lungs. However, it is still a very serious situation and it is important to seek medical help right away.