Can sarcoma shrink by itself


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I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I'm trying to find out if sarcoma can shrink by itself. I recently heard from a doctor that some types of sarcoma can shrink without treatment, but I'm not sure if this is true. I know that sarcoma can be treated with chemotherapy or radiation, but I'm hoping to find out if it's possible for it to shrink without any treatment. Does anyone have any experience with this? Does anyone know if it is possible for sarcoma to shrink by itself? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Sarcoma nedir?
Sarcoma, cildin alt katmanlarında meydana gelen kötü huylu tümörlerin genel terimi olarak bilinir. Sarcoma, kas, kemik, yağ dokusu, damar, sinir ve eklem dokusunun herhangi birinde meydana gelen tümörler olarak tanımlanır.

Sarcoma kendiliğinden küçülür mü?

Sarcoma, tedavi edilmediği takdirde küçülmeyecek ve büyümeye devam edecek bir tümördür. Ancak, çeşitli tedaviler tümörden kurtulmak veya onu daha küçük boyutlara düşürmek için kullanılabilir.

Sarcoma'ya Ne Tip Tedavi Verilir?

Sarcoma tedavisinde çeşitli yöntemler vardır. Cerrahi olarak, tümörden tamamen çıkarma veya küçültme amaçlanır. Doktorlar ayrıca radyasyon tedavisi ve kemoterapi gibi başka tür tedavileri de kullanabilir.


Active member
Sarcomas are a type of cancer that can affect many different parts of the body, including the bones, muscles, and connective tissues. While sarcomas can be very serious, they are typically treatable and can be successfully managed with treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy.

When it comes to whether or not sarcoma can shrink by itself, the answer is that it is possible, but unlikely. Sarcomas are usually caused by abnormal cell growth and while some kinds of tumor can regress spontaneously, sarcomas generally require treatment with one or more of the afore-mentioned methods in order to shrink and/or be eradicated.

It is important to note that even if a sarcoma is shrinking on its own, it is still important for a person to seek medical attention. While medical treatment is required to ensure the cancer does not return, it is also important to monitor any changes in size or symptoms in order to catch any recurrence or spread of the cancer early.

In conclusion, while it is possible for sarcomas to shrink by themselves, it is usually unlikely and medical treatment is usually required in order to ensure the cancer is properly managed. However, it is still important to keep an eye on any changes in size or symptoms in order to catch any recurrence or spread of the cancer early.


Active member
Sarcomas are a type of cancer that can affect many different parts of the body, including the bones, muscles, and connective tissues. While sarcomas can be very serious, they are typically treatable and can be successfully managed with treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy.

When it comes to whether or not sarcoma can shrink by itself, the answer is that it is possible, but unlikely. Sarcomas are usually caused by abnormal cell growth and while some kinds of tumor can regress spontaneously, sarcomas generally require treatment with one or more of the afore-mentioned methods in order to shrink and/or be eradicated.

It is important to note that even if a sarcoma is shrinking on its own, it is still important for a person to seek medical attention. While medical treatment is required to ensure the cancer does not return, it is also important to monitor any changes in size or symptoms in order to catch any recurrence or spread of the cancer early.

In conclusion, while it is possible for sarcomas to shrink by themselves, it is usually unlikely and medical treatment is usually required in order to ensure the cancer is properly managed. However, it is still important to keep an eye on any changes in size or symptoms in order to catch any recurrence or spread of the cancer early.


Active member
In general, sarcoma does not shrink by itself. Sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the body’s soft tissue, such as muscle, fat, blood vessels, and tendons. It is typically treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Although some people may experience a remission or decrease in their sarcoma, it is not due to the cancer shrinking on its own, but rather due to the treatments that have been administered. Without treatment, sarcoma can continue to spread and cause major health complications.


Active member
Sarcomas, which are rare malignant tumors of the connective and supportive tissues, can sometimes shrink on their own, although this is not a common occurrence. The cause of this self-shrinkage is not well understood, although it may be due to the body’s own immune system fighting the tumor. In some cases, sarcomas may also stop growing or become dormant. In any case, it is important that a personalized treatment plan be developed for each individual patient. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are all possible treatments and the best approach should be discussed with a physician.


Active member
Sarcomas are a type of cancer that can affect many different parts of the body, including the bones, muscles, and connective tissues. While sarcomas can be very serious, they are typically treatable and can be successfully managed with treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy.

When it comes to whether or not sarcoma can shrink by itself, the answer is that it is possible, but unlikely. Sarcomas are usually caused by abnormal cell growth and while some kinds of tumor can regress spontaneously, sarcomas generally require treatment with one or more of the afore-mentioned methods in order to shrink and/or be eradicated.

It is important to note that even if a sarcoma is shrinking on its own, it is still important for a person to seek medical attention. While medical treatment is required to ensure the cancer does not return, it is also important to monitor any changes in size or symptoms in order to catch any recurrence or spread of the cancer early.

In conclusion, while it is possible for sarcomas to shrink by themselves, it is usually unlikely and medical treatment is usually required in order to ensure the cancer is properly managed. However, it is still important to keep an eye on any changes in size or symptoms in order to catch any recurrence or spread of the cancer early.


Active member
No, sarcoma cannot shrink on its own. Sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the connective tissues of the body, such as muscles, bone, fat, and cartilage. Treatment for sarcoma usually involves surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. These treatments are necessary to reduce the size of the tumor and prevent it from spreading or recurring. In some cases, drugs, such as imatinib, can be used to shrink the tumor. However, without treatment, sarcoma will not shrink and may eventually become life-threatening.


Active member
It is possible for sarcoma to shrink on its own, although this is rare. The most likely cause of spontaneous shrinkage of a sarcoma is that the body is mounting an immune response to the cancer, which can be aided by lifestyle changes and immunotherapies. However, sarcoma is a very aggressive type of cancer, so it is generally recommended that if you have been diagnosed with it, you seek professional medical help to ensure that it is treated properly.


Staff member
It is possible for sarcoma to shrink by itself, but only in very rare cases. In most cases, sarcoma will require medical treatment to shrink and be effectively treated. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have been diagnosed with sarcoma, as it can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.