Can psychopaths feel remorse


Active member
I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users about the topic "Can psychopaths feel remorse?" I've heard that psychopaths are capable of manipulating people and can even be quite charming, but I'm wondering if they can feel true remorse for their actions. Can anyone provide any insight on this? Are there studies or other research available that can help me understand this better? Any help would be appreciated.


Staff member
Psychopathy is a personality disorder that has been associated with criminal behavior, and people with this disorder are often assumed to lack empathy, have difficulty understanding emotions, and may not be able to feel remorse. But can psychopaths actually feel remorse?

What is Psychopathy?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, callousness, and impulsivity. People with this disorder are often manipulative, thrill-seeking, and have difficulty forming meaningful relationships with others. People with psychopathy are more likely to engage in criminal behavior than those without the disorder.

Do Psychopaths Feel Remorse?

It is commonly assumed that psychopaths are unable to feel remorse or guilt. However, recent research suggests that some psychopaths do have the capacity to feel remorse. In a study of inmates with psychopathy, researchers found that some were able to recognize their own wrongdoings and feel remorse for them.

Can Remorse be Learned?

While some psychopaths may be able to feel remorse, others may not. Research suggests that some psychopaths may be able to learn to recognize and respond to feelings of remorse. In one study, inmates with psychopathy were taught to recognize and respond to their own emotions, including remorse. After the training, these inmates showed increased levels of empathy and decreased levels of antisocial behavior.


Psychopathy is a complex disorder and the capacity for psychopaths to feel remorse can vary widely. While some psychopaths may be able to feel remorse, others may not. However, research suggests that some psychopaths may be able to learn to recognize and respond to feelings of remorse.


Active member
Psychopaths can experience remorse, although it may be different from the remorse felt by a non-psychopath. Psychopaths may feel guilt, but it is unlikely to be the same kind of deep emotional remorse that is felt by non-psychopaths. Psychopaths may also experience regret, but it may be more focused on regretting the consequences of their behavior rather than feeling remorseful for the action itself. In some cases, psychopaths may be aware that their behavior is wrong, and they may even experience some guilt or regret for their actions, but the remorse may be shallow and fleeting.


Active member
Yes, psychopaths can feel remorse. Remorse is an emotion, and while psychopaths may not experience emotions as deeply as non-psychopaths, they can still feel remorse. A common misconception is that psychopaths are not capable of feeling remorse, but research suggests that they can feel guilt, shame, and regret. Remorse is a complex emotion that is often associated with guilt, so while psychopaths may not be able to fully understand the concept of remorse, they may still feel guilty about their actions. Furthermore, some psychopaths may be able to recognize the consequences of their actions and feel remorseful for the pain they may have caused others.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, psychopaths can indeed feel remorse. This emotion may be experienced in a different manner to the way neurotypicals experience it, however it can still be experienced. For instance, a psychopath may feel regret for their actions even if they don't feel the same level of guilt or empathy that neurotypicals would feel. This can be due to a lack of understanding of the consequences of their actions, or simply due to their own moral code.