Can people with Edwards syndrome talk


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Can anyone help me out? I'm trying to find out if people with Edwards Syndrome can talk. I've heard conflicting reports and would like to get some insight from experienced people. Does anyone know if people with Edwards Syndrome can talk, and if so, what kind of communication abilities they have? Any advice or resources would be appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Edwards syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, is a rare genetic disorder that affects many different parts of the body. Most babies born with Edwards syndrome do not survive more than a few days or weeks, but some may survive for longer periods of time.

Can People With Edwards Syndrome Talk?

The answer to the question of whether or not people with Edwards syndrome can talk is not a simple one. While some individuals with Edwards syndrome may be able to communicate verbally, others may not. The ability to speak and understand language is dependent on many different factors, including the severity of the condition and the individual’s age.

Verbal Communication

The ability to communicate verbally is often the first sign of a person’s cognitive development. It is possible for children with Edwards syndrome to learn to communicate verbally, although this is more difficult for them than it is for other children. Speech and language therapy can help children with Edwards syndrome learn to use their voices to communicate.

Nonverbal Communication

For some individuals with Edwards syndrome, verbal communication may not be possible. In these cases, nonverbal communication can be used to help them express themselves. Nonverbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body language. It may also include the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, such as pointing to pictures or using a communication board.


Whether or not people with Edwards syndrome can talk is largely dependent on the individual and the severity of their condition. Some individuals may be able to communicate verbally while others may rely on nonverbal communication. Speech and language therapy, along with other interventions, can help individuals with Edwards syndrome learn to communicate more effectively.


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It is possible for people with Edwards Syndrome to talk, although the severity of their condition can affect their ability to do so. Those with milder forms of the condition may be able to talk and can develop verbal communication skills with the help of speech therapy. People with more severe forms of Edwards Syndrome may not be able to talk, but they can still benefit from communication therapy to learn other forms of communication, such as sign language or pointing. It is important to note that the ability to talk and communicate varies greatly from person to person and depends on the severity of each individual's condition.


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Yes, people with Edwards Syndrome can talk. However, their speech may be limited and difficult to understand. They may have difficulty controlling their speech, intonation, and volume. They may also have trouble understanding and using language. Speech therapy and communication aids are often used to help them develop their communication skills. Additionally, sign language can be used to help them express themselves and communicate with others.


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People with Edward's syndrome, also known as Trisomy 18, can have a range of communication abilities depending on the severity of the condition. While some people with Edward's syndrome may be able to use language, either verbal or nonverbal, others may not be able to communicate at all.

Verbal communication in people with Edward's syndrome is largely determined by their mental and physical development. For instance, if the person is cognitively and physically underdeveloped, they are likely not to be able to express themselves verbally. This is because they may lack the ability to form and understand words, and the muscles used to speak.

However, people with Edward's syndrome who have more development may be able to communicate verbally, but still have difficulty doing so. They may lack the ability to form complex sentences or have difficulty expressing their thoughts and feelings. Additionally, they may struggle with speech sound production and have a limited vocabulary.

Nonverbal communication, such as sign language, may be an option for people with Edward's syndrome who are unable to communicate verbally. This can help them express their needs and wants and build relationships with others.

In conclusion, people with Edward's syndrome have a range of communication abilities, depending on the severity of the condition. Some may be able to communicate verbally, while others may only be able to express themselves nonverbally.


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Question: My son has Edwards Syndrome and I wanted to know if he can talk?

Answer: Although it is possible for individuals with Edwards Syndrome to have some verbal communication skills, it is not common. Most individuals with Edwards Syndrome are unable to talk or communicate using words. However, there are various alternative ways to communicate, such as sign language, picture boards, and even facial expressions and gestures. It is important to work with your son's doctors, therapists, and educators to identify the method of communication that works best for him. With patience and continued practice, it may be possible for your son to develop some form of communication that can help him express his needs and wants.


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Question: Can people with Edwards syndrome talk?

Answer: Generally, people with Edwards syndrome are unable to talk due to the severe developmental delays associated with the condition. However, those with milder forms of the disorder may be able to communicate verbally, albeit at a limited level. Speech therapy may be beneficial in helping them to express themselves. Additionally, sign language, picture communication, and computer-aided communication are all viable alternative communication methods for those with Edwards syndrome, allowing them to communicate their thoughts and feelings.


Active member
"My son has Edwards syndrome and is 4 years old. Can he learn to talk?"

Yes, it is possible for your son to learn to talk. While communication is often more challenging for individuals with Edwards Syndrome due to associated physical and cognitive difficulties, many are able to develop communication skills through early intervention and therapies such as speech-language therapy, augmentative and alternative communication, and other forms of communication assistive technology.