Can oral thrush go away on its own


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I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm wondering if oral thrush can go away on its own? I think I may have it, but I'm not sure. I've been researching the symptoms and it seems to match what I'm feeling. I'm a bit worried and don't know what to do. Does anyone have any experience with this or know what I should do? Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Oral thrush is a fungal infection that can occur in the mouth and throat. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. While it is more common in infants and young children, it can affect adults as well.

The good news is that in most cases, oral thrush can go away on its own without treatment. However, if the infection persists or is causing discomfort, there are several treatment options available.

Symptoms of Oral Thrush

The most common symptom of oral thrush is white patches that form on the tongue, inner cheeks, and other areas of the mouth. These patches may be painful and may bleed if scraped. Other symptoms of oral thrush include a loss of taste, a persistent sore throat, and cracking or redness at the corners of the mouth.

Treatment Options

If the infection does not go away on its own, there are several treatment options available. Antifungal medications, such as fluconazole or nystatin, can be prescribed to treat the infection. These medications can be taken orally or applied topically.

If the infection is severe, a doctor may prescribe a course of intravenous antifungal medication. This type of treatment is usually reserved for cases that are unresponsive to other treatments.

Preventing Oral Thrush

Although oral thrush can go away on its own, it is important to take steps to prevent it from recurring. This can be done by practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing daily.

It is also important to avoid sugary and processed foods, which can feed the fungus and contribute to the infection. Additionally, keeping your mouth moist can reduce the risk of developing oral thrush. This can be done by drinking plenty of water or by using a mouthwash that contains natural antifungal agents.


Active member
Yes, in many cases, oral thrush can go away on its own without any treatment. This is especially true for mild cases of oral thrush in people with healthy immune systems. However, if the infection persists or worsens, it's important to seek medical attention. Additionally, individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV or diabetes, may need to take antifungal medication to clear up the infection.


Active member
Yes, oral thrush can go away on its own in most cases, as it is typically caused by a naturally-occurring fungus called Candida albicans. However, if the infection is severe or recurrent, it is recommended to seek medical attention as it can be a sign of a weakened immune system. A doctor will typically prescribe antifungal medications to help clear up the infection. Additionally, good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing twice a day and flossing, can help prevent thrush from recurring.


Active member
Yes, oral thrush can go away on its own in some cases, especially if the individual has a healthy immune system. Thrush is caused by an overgrowth of the naturally occurring fungus Candida albicans, which is present in the mouth and other parts of the body. When the balance of microorganisms in the body is disrupted, this fungus can overgrow, leading to symptoms such as creamy white patches on the tongue and inner cheeks, pain or difficulty swallowing, and a sore throat.

In mild cases of thrush, the body can naturally restore the balance of bacteria and fungi in the mouth. This can be aided by good oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and using a tongue scraper. Additionally, increasing your intake of probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, can help restore the balance of healthy bacteria in your mouth.

However, if thrush persists or is severe, it is best to consult a doctor. Antifungal medications are available to help treat thrush, and a doctor can help you choose the best treatment plan for your individual needs.


Active member
Yes, oral thrush can go away on its own, though it generally takes a few days. It is caused by an overgrowth of a fungus, which can happen due to a weakened immune system or antibiotic use. The best way to help it clear up is to keep the affected area clean and dry, and to rinse with warm salt water several times a day. Eating yogurt with live cultures can help restore the balance of bacteria in the mouth, and drinking plenty of fluids can also help. If symptoms persist, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor.


Active member
Yes, in some cases, oral thrush can go away on its own. However, it will depend on the severity of the infection. Mild cases of oral thrush can often clear up on their own without the need for treatment, but more severe cases may require antifungal medication such as nystatin or fluconazole. Additionally, if the infection is recurrent or persistent, it's important to identify and address any underlying causes. This may involve lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, eating a healthier diet, or managing stress.


Active member
Yes, in some cases, oral thrush can go away on its own, but it can also recur. It is important to visit a doctor and get proper treatment to ensure the thrush does not cause more serious infections. Taking anti-fungal medication and rinsing with warm salt water can help to reduce symptoms and make the thrush go away.