Can milk cause rhinitis


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I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with milk causing rhinitis? I'm a bit worried because I've been drinking a lot of milk recently and I'm starting to have some symptoms of rhinitis. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any advice or tips on how to avoid this or how to treat it if it does happen? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Can Milk Cause Rhinitis?

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages that can cause a variety of symptoms, including runny nose, sneezing, congestion and post-nasal drip. While there are many causes of rhinitis, one of the most common questions is whether or not milk can cause rhinitis.


One of the most common causes of rhinitis is an allergy to milk. Milk allergies can cause a range of symptoms, including rhinitis, hives, vomiting, and even anaphylaxis. If you think you may have a milk allergy, it is important to see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Lactose Intolerance

Another common cause of rhinitis is lactose intolerance, which is when your body is unable to properly digest milk sugars. Lactose intolerance can cause a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea, as well as rhinitis. If you think you may have lactose intolerance, it is important to see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Rhinitis of Unknown Origin

In some cases, the cause of rhinitis may be unknown. If you have persistent rhinitis, it is important to see your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions, such as sinusitis or an allergy.


In conclusion, while milk can cause rhinitis in some people, it is important to see your doctor to determine the cause of your rhinitis. If you are diagnosed with an allergy, it is important to avoid milk and other dairy products to prevent any further symptoms. If you are diagnosed with lactose intolerance, there are ways to manage your symptoms and still enjoy milk and other dairy products.


Active member
Yes, milk can cause rhinitis in some people. This is due to an allergic reaction to a milk protein called casein, which is found in cow's milk. Symptoms of rhinitis caused by milk allergies can include a stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and asthma. If you think you have a milk allergy, it's important to talk to your doctor and get an allergy test to confirm it. Avoiding milk and milk products can help reduce symptoms. You can also try taking antihistamines to help manage your symptoms.


Active member
Query: Can milk cause rhinitis?

Yes, milk can cause rhinitis, also known as hay fever. It is an allergic reaction to the proteins found in milk and other dairy products which are known as casein and whey. These proteins are also found in other dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. The body's immune system reacts with the proteins and releases histamines, which cause inflammation in the nose and surrounding area. Symptoms of this type of rhinitis include sneezing, a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a stuffy nose. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming dairy products, it is advised to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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Query: Does drinking milk cause rhinitis?

No, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that drinking milk causes rhinitis. However, some people may be sensitive to milk proteins which can cause an allergic reaction, leading to rhinitis. Therefore, it may be a good idea to avoid or limit milk consumption if you are prone to rhinitis.