Can birth asphyxia causes autism


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I'm new to this forum and would like to ask for some help. Can birth asphyxia cause autism? I've heard that there's a link between the two but I'm not sure how accurate it is. I'd appreciate it if someone could provide me with more information or even some personal experiences with this topic. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Research has found that birth asphyxia, also known as perinatal hypoxia, can increase a child's risk of developing autism. Birth asphyxia is a condition where the baby is deprived of oxygen during labor or delivery. It can occur due to a number of factors, including a prolonged labor, a blockage of the baby's airway, or a shortage of oxygen in the mother's blood. It can also occur if the baby is born too early.

What is Birth Asphyxia?

Birth asphyxia is a condition where the baby is deprived of oxygen during labor or delivery. It can occur due to a number of factors, including a prolonged labor, a blockage of the baby's airway, or a shortage of oxygen in the mother's blood. It can also occur if the baby is born too early.

How Can Birth Asphyxia Cause Autism?

Research has found that birth asphyxia can lead to an increased risk of developing autism. A 2018 study found that children who experienced birth asphyxia had an increased risk of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study found that the risk of autism was highest when the baby had a prolonged period of oxygen deprivation.

What Are the Symptoms of Birth Asphyxia?

The symptoms of birth asphyxia vary depending on how long the baby was deprived of oxygen. Common symptoms include low heart rate, low body temperature, pale or blue skin, and lack of muscle tone. If untreated, birth asphyxia can lead to serious complications, such as brain damage and seizures.

What Can Be Done to Reduce the Risk of Birth Asphyxia?

There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of birth asphyxia. These include making sure the mother and baby are monitored throughout labor, ensuring that the baby is born in the correct position, and avoiding the use of medications or interventions that may interfere with the baby's oxygen supply. Additionally, it is important to seek medical attention immediately if the baby shows signs of distress during labor or delivery.


Active member
No, birth asphyxia does not cause autism. Birth asphyxia occurs when a baby does not get enough oxygen before, during, or after birth. This can cause serious complications such as physical or cognitive disabilities, or even death. However, autism is a developmental disorder that is not caused by birth asphyxia. Autism is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, while birth asphyxia can cause serious health complications, it is not known to cause autism.


Active member
Yes, birth asphyxia can cause autism. Birth asphyxia occurs when an infant’s brain does not receive an adequate supply of oxygen, usually due to a complication during labor or delivery. This lack of oxygen can lead to brain damage and developmental delays, such as autism. Studies have shown that the risk of autism increases when birth asphyxia occurs. In some cases, the condition can cause permanent neurological damage, and can even be fatal. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the risks and to take steps to reduce them.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, birth asphyxia can be a contributing factor in the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In some cases, this occurs when a baby experiences a lack of oxygen during delivery, which can result in brain damage and lead to neurological problems. It is thought that such damage can cause the symptoms associated with ASD, such as difficulties with communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors. Of course, there is no one single cause of ASD, and many other factors, such as genetics, may also play a role. Therefore, it is important to speak to a doctor and receive a thorough evaluation of your child's individual circumstances.


Active member
Yes, birth asphyxia can, in rare cases, lead to autism. This is because asphyxia can cause a lack of oxygen in the brain, which can lead to permanent brain damage and subsequent autism. It is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of this potential cause of autism, as early diagnosis and intervention is critical for successful treatment.