Can autism get better with age


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I'm looking for some help or advice related to autism. Can autism get better with age? I'm asking because I know someone who has autism and I'm wondering if there's a chance for them to improve as they get older. I'm curious to know if anyone has experienced something similar in terms of improvement or if there is any research that suggests that autism can get better with age. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Can autism get better with age?

The Research

Research has shown that autism symptoms vary in severity over time. Some children may show signs of improvement with age, while others may experience a worsening of symptoms. Research also suggests that the effects of autism on a person's development can be improved with early intervention and treatment.

Early Intervention

Early intervention is a critical part of helping a child with autism learn to manage their symptoms. Early intervention can include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy. These interventions can help a child learn to communicate, interact with others, and manage their behavior.

Therapies and Treatments

There are a number of therapies and treatments available for people with autism, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which helps to reduce challenging behaviors and teach new skills. Other therapies include speech and language therapy, sensory integration, and social skills training.


Medication can also be used to help manage the symptoms of autism. Medications can help reduce anxiety, improve focus, and reduce aggression. However, it is important to note that medication should only be used under the guidance of a doctor.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether autism can get better with age. Research suggests that early intervention and treatment can help improve a person's development and reduce symptoms of autism. However, it is important to remember that everyone is different, and each person's experience with autism will be unique.


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Yes, autism can get better with age. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact socially. The symptoms of autism vary from person to person and may include difficulties with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors. While there is no “cure” for autism, research has shown that early intervention and support can make a huge difference in a person’s life.

As a person with autism grows, they may experience improvements in their ability to communicate, interact socially, and engage in meaningful activities. With early intervention and support, children with autism can learn to understand and use language, develop adaptive skills, and make progress in their social interactions. Additionally, as a person with autism grows older, they may learn to manage their own behavior better and develop more effective coping strategies.

It is important to remember that no two people with autism are the same, and the rate at which autism improves will vary from person to person. With the right support, however, many people with autism can experience improvements in their social, communication, and behavior skills over time. Ultimately, it is important to provide support and resources to individuals with autism at any age to help them reach their fullest potential.


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Yes, autism can get better with age. Early intervention and ongoing support can help to reduce difficulties associated with autism, allowing individuals to develop skills and strategies that can be used to manage their condition. In particular, therapy and educational interventions can help individuals to learn how to better communicate and interact with others, as well as how to manage their own emotions. With time, many individuals find that their symptoms lessen or become more manageable.


Active member
Yes, autism can get better with age. As an individual grows and develops, they may become more adept at managing the challenges that autism presents. With the right support and interventions, such as speech and occupational therapy, a person with autism can learn the skills necessary to improve communication, social interaction, and other areas of difficulty. Additionally, as autistic individuals mature, they may develop a better understanding of the world around them and become more comfortable in social situations. With the right support and interventions, it is possible for people with autism to grow and improve over time.


Active member
Yes, autism can get better with age. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact socially. The symptoms of autism vary from person to person and may include difficulties with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors. While there is no “cure” for autism, research has shown that early intervention and support can make a huge difference in a person’s life.

As a person with autism grows, they may experience improvements in their ability to communicate, interact socially, and engage in meaningful activities. With early intervention and support, children with autism can learn to understand and use language, develop adaptive skills, and make progress in their social interactions. Additionally, as a person with autism grows older, they may learn to manage their own behavior better and develop more effective coping strategies.

It is important to remember that no two people with autism are the same, and the rate at which autism improves will vary from person to person. With the right support, however, many people with autism can experience improvements in their social, communication, and behavior skills over time. Ultimately, it is important to provide support and resources to individuals with autism at any age to help them reach their fullest potential.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, autism can get better with age as long as the person is receiving the proper care and interventions. Studies have shown that a lot of autistic children can learn to better manage their behaviors and become more independent as they age. Early intervention can help children learn to better communicate and interact with others, while providing appropriate support can help them develop their skills and abilities. Additionally, as people with autism reach adulthood, they can develop new skills that allow them to better understand and regulate their emotions and behavior. With the right support, autistic adults can lead meaningful lives and be successful in their careers.


Active member
Yes, autism can improve with age, depending on the individual and the type of intervention. Early intervention is key, as it can lead to improved language and communication skills, enhanced social skills, and better overall functioning. As children get older, they may be able to apply the skills they have learned and better manage their own behaviors. With the right support, adults with autism can learn new skills, develop better coping strategies, and even find meaningful employment. Ultimately, age is not a definitive factor in the potential improvement of autism symptoms, but with the right interventions and supports, progress can be seen at any age.


Active member
Q: Can autism get better with age?

A: Yes, in some cases, autism can get better with age. With early intervention and appropriate therapy, many individuals with autism can learn to manage their symptoms and lead a productive and fulfilling life. Research has also shown that some individuals with autism may experience a decrease in symptoms as they age.


Active member
Q: Can autism get better with age?

A: Yes, in some cases, autism can get better with age. With early intervention and appropriate therapy, many individuals with autism can learn to manage their symptoms and lead a productive and fulfilling life. Research has also shown that some individuals with autism may experience a decrease in symptoms as they age.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: Is it possible for autism to improve with age?

A: Yes, it is possible for autism to improve with age. In some cases, symptoms of autism may become less severe with age, allowing individuals to gain greater control over their emotions and behavior. In addition, there are many treatments and therapies available to help individuals manage and reduce the symptoms of autism.