Advanced Placement (AP) courses are college-level classes offered to high school students to help them prepare for college. They are designed to give students a more in-depth understanding of the subject matter and to give them an edge when they apply to college. However, there are some who argue that these courses should be eliminated. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of eliminating AP courses.
Advantages of Eliminating AP Courses
One of the primary advantages of eliminating AP courses is that it would reduce the amount of stress that students feel when taking them. AP courses are challenging and require a lot of work and dedication. This can cause students to become overwhelmed and stressed out. By eliminating AP courses, students would not have to worry about the amount of work that is required to pass the course.
In addition, eliminating AP courses would reduce the amount of time that students spend on coursework. AP courses are often several hours long and require a significant amount of time to complete the coursework. By eliminating them, students would have more time to devote to other activities, such as extracurricular activities.
Disadvantages of Eliminating AP Courses
One of the primary disadvantages of eliminating AP courses is that it would reduce the number of college credit options that students have. AP courses are often used to gain college credit, which can save students time and money when they are applying to college. By eliminating AP courses, students would have fewer options when it comes to gaining college credit.
In addition, AP courses are often used to help students prepare for college-level classes. By taking AP courses, students can become familiar with college-level topics and gain a better understanding of the material. Without AP courses, students would not have the same level of preparation for college-level courses.
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to eliminating Advanced Placement (AP) courses. On one hand, eliminating them could reduce the amount of stress that students feel and the amount of time they spend on coursework. On the other hand, eliminating them could reduce the number of college credit options that students have and the level of preparation that they receive for college-level courses. Ultimately, the decision of whether to eliminate AP courses should be made on a case-by-case basis.