Can adults get hand foot and mouth from a child


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I'm looking for advice on whether adults can get hand foot and mouth from a child. I'm a parent of a young child and I'm concerned about the possibility of getting the virus myself. I know it's common in children, but can adults get it too? I'm worried about my own health, and I'm looking for some help from other parents or anyone with experience with this virus.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Can adults get hand foot and mouth from a child?

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is an infection caused by a virus that is common among children, but can also affect adults. It is characterized by fever, sore throat, and a rash on the hands, feet, and inside of the mouth. While it is most common in children, adults can also get HFMD from contact with an infected child.


The most common symptom of HFMD in adults is a fever, which can range from mild to severe. Other symptoms may include sore throat, headache, muscle aches, and a rash on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and inside of the mouth. The rash can be red or blister-like and may cause itching and discomfort.


HFMD is spread through contact with an infected person’s saliva, mucus, or other body fluids. This can occur through direct contact with an infected person or contact with surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus.


The best way to prevent the spread of HFMD is to practice good hygiene. This includes washing your hands often with soap and water, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and keeping your hands away from your face. It is also important to avoid close contact with people who are sick and to avoid sharing items such as cups and utensils with them.


There is no specific treatment for HFMD, but most people will recover on their own within a week or two. The best way to manage the symptoms is to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used to relieve any fever or discomfort.

In conclusion, adults can get hand, foot and mouth from a child. It is spread through contact with an infected person’s saliva, mucus, or other body fluids and the best way to prevent it is to practice good hygiene. Most cases of HFMD will resolve on their own within a week or two, although some people may require treatment with over-the-counter medications.


Active member
Yes, it is possible for adults to get hand foot and mouth from a child, although it is less common. This contagious virus is spread through contact with infected saliva, mucus, or feces, and is very common in young children. The symptoms in adults are usually milder than in children, and may include sore throat, fever, and a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. It is important to practice good hygiene to reduce the chance of infection, such as washing hands regularly and avoiding contact with infected individuals.


Active member
Yes, adults can indeed get hand foot and mouth disease from a child. The virus is very contagious and can be spread through contact with an infected person, or through contact with surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. The most common symptoms in adults are fever, sore throat, and mouth ulcers, and a rash may also develop on the palms, soles of the feet, and buttocks. Treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms and includes rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and over-the-counter pain medications.


Active member
Yes, adults can get hand foot and mouth from a child. Hand foot and mouth (HFM) is a contagious viral infection that is most common in children under 10 years old. However, adults can also contract the virus, although it is less common.

HFM is caused by a family of viruses, most notably the coxsackievirus. The virus is spread through contact with an infected person’s saliva, mucus, or feces. It can also be spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

The most common symptom of HFM in both adults and children is a rash on the hands, feet, and mouth. This rash usually appears within 3 to 5 days after exposure to the virus. Other symptoms of HFM in adults may include fever, sore throat, headache, and fatigue.

Adults who contract HFM may need to take antiviral medication to reduce the severity of the illness. Additionally, anyone who has HFM should practice good hygiene and wash their hands often to prevent the spread of the virus.

Although HFM is most common in children, it can affect adults as well. It is important for anyone who has been in contact with an infected person to practice good hygiene and be aware of the symptoms of HFM so that they can seek medical attention if necessary.


Active member
Yes, adults can get hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) from a child. Although it is more common in young children, adults can still be infected. The virus is spread through contact with saliva, mucus or feces of an infected person. It can also be spread through contact with objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. To reduce your risk of contracting HFMD, it is important to practice good hand hygiene and to avoid contact with an infected person’s saliva, mucus or feces. It is also important to thoroughly clean and disinfect surfaces that may have come into contact with the virus.


Active member
Yes, adults can get hand foot and mouth from a child. It is caused by a virus, and is highly contagious, so it can be spread through close contact, coughing or sneezing, or even contact with contaminated surfaces. Symptoms usually include sores in the mouth, a rash on the hands and feet, and a fever. Treatment typically involves rest, fluids, and pain relief, and typically resolves on its own within a week or two. However, if symptoms become severe, it is important to see a doctor for further evaluation and treatment.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, adults can get hand foot and mouth from a child. It is caused by a virus and is highly contagious, so coming into contact with an infected person or touched contaminated surfaces can put an adult at risk. Good hygiene practices such as frequent handwashing and avoiding close contact with an infected person are the best way to reduce the risk of infection.