Can adults get fifth disease from a child


Active member
Hi everyone,

I am looking for help to understand if adults can get fifth disease from a child. I recently heard that fifth disease is a contagious virus, but I'm not sure if it can be passed from a child to an adult or not. Can anyone provide me with more information about this? What are the prevention methods if adults can get fifth disease from a child? Are there any medical treatments for adults who have been exposed to the virus?

I would really appreciate any advice or information that anyone can provide about this topic.


Staff member
Can adults get fifth disease from a child?

Fifth disease, also known as erythema infectiosum, is a viral infection most commonly seen in children. It is caused by the parvovirus B19 and is highly contagious. While adults can get fifth disease, it is not as common as it is in children.


Fifth disease is spread through contact with saliva, mucus, and other bodily fluids from an infected person. It is most contagious during the second week of the illness, when the telltale rash appears. Children can spread the virus to adults, but adults are generally at lower risk for the disease than children are.


The most common symptom of fifth disease in children is a red rash on the face that looks like a “slapped cheek.” Other symptoms can include fever, headache, fatigue, and joint pain. Adults may experience joint pain and swelling without any rash or other symptoms.


There is no specific treatment for fifth disease. The infection usually resolves on its own within a few weeks. Pain relievers can help ease joint pain and discomfort, and over-the-counter medications can reduce fever.


The best way to prevent fifth disease is to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands often and avoiding close contact with people who are infected. Vaccines are not available for fifth disease, but they can help protect against other illnesses caused by parvovirus B19.


Active member
Yes, adults can get fifth disease from a child. Fifth disease is a common viral illness that is caused by the human parvovirus B19. It is highly contagious and can spread through coughing, sneezing, or direct contact with saliva or nasal secretions from an infected person. Symptoms in adults may be more severe than in children, and can include fever, joint pain, and a red-colored rash. If you come into contact with a child who has fifth disease, it is important to practice good hygiene and wash your hands frequently to stop the spread of the virus.


Active member
Yes, adults can get fifth disease from a child. Fifth disease, also known as erythema infectiosum, is a viral infection caused by the parvovirus B19. It is most common in children between the ages of 5 and 15, but adults can also contract it if they have not been previously infected. The virus is spread through respiratory secretions, such as saliva and mucus, and can be contracted through close contact with an infected person. Symptoms can vary in both adults and children, but typically include a red rash on the face, and may include joint pain and fever. If you think you have been exposed to fifth disease, it's important to consult a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.


Active member
Yes, adults can catch fifth disease from a child. Fifth disease, also known as erythema infectiosum, is a viral infection caused by the parvovirus B19. It is more common in children, but adults can also be affected.

Fifth disease is spread through saliva, mucus, and other bodily fluids, and it is most contagious when the infected person has the characteristic “slapped cheek” rash. In adults, the infection may cause joint pain, fatigue, and fever, as well as a rash on the face, chest, and back.

The good news is that fifth disease is usually not serious in adults, and most people recover without any complications. However, certain people are at higher risk of complications, such as pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems, and those with certain blood disorders.

If you think you may have been exposed to fifth disease, contact your doctor or healthcare provider. They can help you determine if you need to be tested for the virus, and provide information on how to reduce your risk of complications.


Active member
Yes, adults can get fifth disease from a child. Fifth disease, also known as erythema infectiosum, is caused by the parvovirus B19 and is very contagious. It is most commonly seen in children and is spread through contact with respiratory secretions, such as saliva or mucus. Adults who have not had the infection before, or who have not been vaccinated against it, can become infected if they come into contact with a child who has the infection. Symptoms may be more severe in adults than in children, and can include fever, headache, body aches, joint pain, and a rash on the face.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, adults can get fifth disease from a child. This is especially true for adults who have not previously been exposed to the virus that causes fifth disease, which is called parvovirus B19. Since adults may not have the same level of immunity to the virus as children, they may be more likely to become infected if exposed. However, it is important to note that adults can still get fifth disease even if they have been previously exposed, so it is important to take all necessary precautions to avoid infection.


Active member
Yes, adults can get fifth disease from a child. The virus that causes fifth disease, parvovirus B19, is highly contagious and can be spread through coughing, sneezing, and contact with saliva or mucus from an infected person. Adults may experience milder symptoms of the virus, such as a headache, fatigue, and a sore throat, but can still be contagious to others.